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Lucy's outfit:

Lucy's outfit:

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Lucy's POV:

I texted the Group chat to tell everyone I was ready when they are and once everyone was ready, we agreed to meet everyone downstairs. I was just about to leave when I forgot my lip gloss in my room, so I went back to quickly get it telling Abby to go ahead without me. Luckily the uber didn't go without me as I rushed into the open car door met with a bunch of opened mouths.

"You don't scrub up too bad do you" Ice practically screamed in my ear behind me. "Hahaha thanks Ice." I turned my eyes to Paige who was sat next to me her lips still slightly apart with shock. "Take a picture it will last longer" I say giggling. "Okay then" she says and without warning a flash goes off. The journey was short as we planned to go to dinner like 15 mins away from campus, but we had the best driver who let us play out own music. We sang really loud the poor man must have had an earache and probably couldn't have sped off fast enough as he dropped us outside the restaurant.

We all sat down at the booth table. I had Paige on my right and Abby on my left. The food was so good I got a steak and chunky chips and some Ice cream which Paige had most of. We looked on maps where the club was that we wanted to get too. It was only when I got there, I realised it was my uncles club that he owned. I was snapped out of my thoughts as all the younger (underaged ones) were getting their fake IDs turned away.

Everyone was complaining about how our night was ruined now and that we had to go back to campus. But I was about to make everyone's night. "Hang on girls just give me a minute stay here!"

I walk a bit more down the street as I go to my contacts and click on my uncle's number as I bring the phone up to my ear. I hadn't heard from my uncle since we hung out before the last year ended so hopefully, he could let us in.

"Luce long time no see!" He said with joy "Hey uncle Harris how are you" "I'm good thank, how are you?" I hesitate to think of what I was going to say. "Um not too good, we are outside your club and there not letting us in bec-" I got interrupted by him over the phone "Don't you worry I will get it sorted right away!" "Thank you so much I will hopefully catch up with you soon but I'm going to Europe in a couple of days" "Yes indeed I will see you soon."

I walk back over to the girl's confusion spread across each of their faces. "What?" I asked snapping them all back to reality. The security walks over to us and locks eyes with me. "Lucy Harris?" he asked as I nodded. "Please can you all follow me."

We followed him into the VIP area of the club just behind the DJ booth. there was LED lights all around and a beautiful chandelier hanging above a large, rounded couch. There was a personal bar with drinks and snacks that were totally free. Seeing the girls looking round in disbelief made me giggle to myself as I felt a small nudge to my shoulder. I look up to see Paige looking down at me smiling "how did you manage to pull this off then?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I just happen to know the owner" I said with a smirk creeping onto my face. "And how do you know the owner" I could sense a little jealousy in her voice. I smiled to myself bringing my face closer to her ear to whisper "He's my uncle" before looking straight ahead. "I never knew that!" she said in shock before going over to the others who were all getting drinks.

Little did Paige know that there was a lot people didn't know about me and my family. Sure, we were wealthy and made our life good for ourselves, but I didn't want people to know because in the past I was taken advantage of for that.

The night was going so well. Everyone was relaxed and dancing and just having so much fun. It was so nice to see everyone so happy. Especially Paige her smile just brought so much joy into my life. She noticed me staring so I quickly go to turn my eyes away but notice her walking over. I try to hide my panic. "Want to dance with us" she says before grabbing my hand and walking me over to all our friends just as our song comes on. Everyone on the team loves this song. (Can't hold us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis)

Everyone gathered round into a circle as we went in one by one as the rest of us hyped them up. With KK doing her famous "BOW BOW BOW" it was now my turn. I went into the middle of the girls and pretty much let the alcohol that I had consumed take over while I danced. I could feel Paige's eyes fixated on me. Without knowing or thinking through properly what I was doing I pulled her into the middle with me as I turned around and started to dance on her. Without hesitation she put her hands on my hips moving her body in time with mine. All the girls screaming and hyping us up as we carried on until the music ended.

The rest of the night was filled with dancing, giggling and quite awful singing. We all got in our Ubers to go home singing again. Probably worse than on the way there. When we got to the apartments Paige helped me to my room as I had no clue where Abby was as I remember she called Jono to come pick her up, so I assumed she was staying at his tonight. We got to my room, and I fell flat on my bed as Paige sat next to my laughing. "Right, I'll see you tomorrow have a good sleep" She began to get up as I grabbed her hand. "No stay, I have some cloths you can change into." I took the silence as a yes and gave her some shorts and an oversized top as she went into the bathroom to get changed. I got changed into my pyjamas and got into my bed. Soon after I felt a dip next to me however it didn't get as close to me as I wanted.

I turned around half asleep wrapping my arm around her waist pulling her closer as I heard her breath hitch then relax. Her arms then slowly looped around me, and I lay my head on her chest as we both fall asleep.


Hello everyone!!

thanks for reading my book so far 

things are gonna get interesting soonnnnn

love you alllll !!!!!!

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