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Lucy's POV:

All I could do was just smile there all giddy at what had just happened. Her words still playing in my head as I looked at her, our arms still entangled around each other. I wanted to just stay like this forever. But of course something had to break our moment. My phone started ringing in my pocket. I pulled it out to see KK flash up on my phone with a 0.5 picture we took ages ago. Me and Paige just look at each other and giggle with the girls not know what had gone on between us.

I pick up the phone and hear KK say "Girly pops where are you for reals. We all ready with the movie and seats. Hurry up." me and Paige laughed as KK dragged out the last words then hung up. We got all the snacks together collected ourselves, mainly myself as my cheeks were still burning bright red, and went to the movie room to meet the rest of the girls. I however, headed to the bathroom to call Abby.

Abby picked up almost immediately. I really missed my best friend but I would text her about everything we did each day and all the small interactions I had with Paige but with this one I needed to call her. "Hey Luce you all good." I squeal as my excitement bubbles over. "ABBY PAIGE JUST KISSED ME" I head her scream over the other side of the phone with Jonno asking what was going on in the background. "What? How? tell me everything." I was quick to reply. "I don't even know, I was just explaining why I was being distant with her and my feelings towards her then she just cut me off and kissed me." "OMG" both Jonno and Abby said as I assumed I must be on speaker. 

After my call with Abby ended I went back to the movie room with all the girls and surprise surprise the only seat left was next too Paige. I sat down next to her as she turned to me with a huge grin on her face. She was just so cute. I cuddled up next to her under the blanket she was under. Our arms around each others waste as we watched the movie. 

It wasn't off for me and Paige to be like this as we were all the time. It looked the same as it does however this time it felt completely different. I was realising how much I actually really liked Paige. Don't get me wrong she is beautiful, like absolutely stunning, but the way she carries herself is just so amazing and graceful. The way she is passionate about so many things like looking after people, basketball, her family and she is so nice to all the fans and people she interacts with. As well as this it's the way she talks about all of her teammates and the game with such love in every aftergame interview. She was truly sent down from heaven cause she could honestly do no wrong. (Unless a reff really annoys her Iykyk)

The movie we were watching was pretty boring and I could see Paige out of the corner of my eye trying to stay awake. "You can lean on me more if you want." She took that as full on lay on top of me which caused me to laugh and earn a side eye from Ines who was sitting next to us. As we lay there I feel my eyes getting heavier as we both fall asleep with our breathing and heart beat together. It was so peaceful I had forgot everyone was in the room.

I woke up still in the movie room to the sound of of Aubrey shouting that breakfast was ready

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I woke up still in the movie room to the sound of of Aubrey shouting that breakfast was ready. I go to get up but I am still held down by a blond who refuses to get up. "P we need to get up breakfast is ready." I say while I gently stroke her hair. "Just five more minutes" she says in a sleepy voice and she cuddles into me more which makes the butterflies in my tummy go even more wild. "But if you stay here then all the fruit will probably be gone." As soon as I said that Paige bolted to the dining room. I struggled to keep up as I turned a corner and hit into something hard. 

I look up to see Paige smirking at me looking at me deeply with her deep blue eyes. You could sense the change in atmosphere since last night. It was new and fresh. "Do you think maybe I could get another kiss before we get to the others." Without hesitation I planted a gentle kiss on her lips that we both melted to. But of course we got interrupted by Aubrey shouting for us again. We sigh and walk into the dining room and have our breakfast.

We then all got ready as I was going to take all of the girls to explore the village that we were in and the grounds of the house. We went to the market as it was a Sunday and all the girls got some nice things, we also went through the old parts of the village where all the stone houses and cottages were. I really loved this village it was so peaceful and beautiful. We then walked Cooper around the Gardens and the woods to where my old treehouse was and play ground which brough us all back to our childhood days. After having so much fun we went back to the swimming pool to cool down and get to bed early as the girls had a training day tomorrow. 


Hey y'alllll

been a while and I'm so sorry really busy with exams right now but they are nearly finishedddd

this was a bit of a bad chapter but the next 5 days the girls are in england are going to be packed with things to doooo !!!!

missed you guys, love you alllll xoxoxoxox

dont be a silent reader and let me know what you guys think of the book so farrrrr !!!

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