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lucy_Sm1th - Back with my girls ❤️

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lucy_Sm1th - Back with my girls ❤️

NikaMuhl - Love you sm ❤️❤️

KKarnold - GIRLY POP ATE 🍝🍝

PBueckers05 - ❤️❤️

3rd Person- 

Lucy found the events last night with Paige replaying in her head. However, the intense feeling in her belly grew deeper as she craved to feel Paige's soft skin again and how they looked each other in the eyes. Yet again she pressed these feelings down, that were slowly consuming her, as she thought that it would ruin their friendship if Paige didn't reciprocate the feelings. And quite frankly if that happened, she didn't want to look stupid as she already had a deep fear of rejection from past situationships. As she looked through the pictures from last night, she could see the emotion she held within her when looking at the blonde.

Little did she know that just across the hall was that blonde doing the same thing. Paige was looking at all the photos from last night and marvelling at the fact Lucy had posted 2 pictures of her on her insta. This is what Paige had missed over the summer the fact they had no pictures together and had made no new memorise over the past few weeks. Rolling over she hugged the sweater Lucy had given her before she left to go back to England. Her smell still prominent on it.

After a few hours within their rooms the girls had to get ready as there was afternoon practice today as the preseason was about to start. Around training the girls had loads of free time as class didn't start for another 6 weeks however they did have their Europe tour coming up where the girls would travel to Zagreb, Croatia: Ljubljana, Slovenia; Bolognia, Italy; Venice, Italy, and finally England. (added in England for the story guys!!)

Over these three weeks the team seemed to get even more close if that was even possible. Since there was no one on campus and nothing to really do the girls had a lot of free time to spend with each other. In particular Lucy and Paige. As it was 2 days until they went on their Europe tour the girls all decided to go to the club off campus to celebrate their work so far.

Paige's POV:

I went to Lucy's room to see what she was gonna wear for tonight as I had no clue. I was at her dorm, and I knocked to see if anyone was in but all I heard was the piano going over three cords over and over again. I slowly opened to see the beautiful girls back to me. I quietly sat at the edge of her bed making sure she didn't hear me.

She began to sing a song I'd never heard before. (constellations - Jade LeMac (just pretend that Lucy wrote it)) Who knew her voice could be so delicate. A red flush spread against my cheeks as I became infatuated by the girl in front of me. Every word was so pure, and I could hear the emotion in her voice. This song obviously means something to her I thought. The way she lightly swung her body forward and back while playing the keys made me feel her passion for the song.

Lucy's POV:

I had finally finished the song. Not that I would show it to anyone as it was too embarrassing, and people would obviously about her and how much I had missed her over summer. I sat there for a few minutes processing my success and how it kinda sounded good. I did my exited wiggle with my arms as I had finally finished my work. I look at the time on my phone a realised I had about 2 hours to get ready. "Lucy that was beautiful" a voice made me jump "Holy shit" I jumped to my feet as fast as I could only to be met with Paige's eyes staring back slowly watering.

"Paige?" I questioned to make sure I wasn't seeing things as she stepped closer. "That was so amazing, did you write that yourself?" She questioned me. "Um yeah I did" I said hiding my face trying to disguise my blushing cheeks. Then she asked the question I was dreading. "Whose it about?" her eyes seemed to have a hint of hope in them. "No one I just wrote it" I quickly responded trying not to get caught. "Oh, come on, a song like that must be made about someone" she said with a little chuckle. Halve of me wanted to admit it was her in that moment. we were only stood a few feet away looking at each other in our eyes. However, I backed out with the fear of making it awkward. "Genuinely no one Paige, you know if it was, I would tell you" I said with a nervous laugh trying to cover up my lies. She just hummed suspiciously in response.

"Anyways" she broke the awkward silence that was creeping between us. "What are you wearing tonight?" "Honestly I have no clue." Paige began to walk towards my closet looking at all my clothes. "How about this since we are going out for dinner first?" I turned my head sideways to look at the dress "Yeah why not I said laying it on my bed and begin to get ready.


Hey guys!!!!

sorry it's been a couple of days

thank you to everyone who has voted and read this so far

So upset for UConn on Friday

our girls did so well, I was actually crying at the press thing at the end 

They literally deserve the whole world !!!!!! 

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