13. Volleyball match

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"Hey princess.'' Joel says and I roll my eyes at him.
Fuck him and that stupid nickname he gave me.  

It's been three days that we made the bet, and nothing had happened. He still calls me that stupid nickname that I don't even know where it came from.

But I do kinda like it... 

''No hey to me, princess? That breaks my heart.'' he says, and I roll my eyes facing him.

We are walking to the PE classroom.
And I'm stuck with him beside me.  

''Stop calling me princess.'' I say annoyed.
"Why? You don't like it?" he asks, and I look at him blankly.
"No genius I don't.'' I say.
"That's your problem.'' he says and continues walking.

''You are so...''
"Handsome? Fantastic? Sexy? Smart?" he interrupts me. 
"No. You're an idiot, selfish and a devil.'' I glare and he laughs.

"Calm down. You're always angry.'' he winks, and I glare harder.
"I'm always angry to you.'' 
"I feel special.'' he says putting a hand to his chest.

I fucking can't with this person.

I enter the PE classroom and all the students are here.
"Alright class.'' teacher Hawkins calls, ''Today we're going to play a volleyball game, girls vs boys.''  he says and we cheer. 

So, me against Joel. Bring it on.

We take our positions on the game, I'm the front middle one, facing Joel in the other side.
He winks at me, and I smirk.

The teacher blows his whistle and the game starts.

I'm good at playing volleyball, but it seems like Joel is better than me.
Bloody hell, I can't fucking lose this game.

Joel catches all the balls I throw at him, never missing a single one.
I have seen him play basketball because he is a part of school's team and he's so God damn good at it! I never thought he would be good at volleyball too. 

Suddenly a ball hits me in the head and I fall on the ground.
"Ouch.'' I groan.

Who the fuck threw that ball? It was too damn strong!

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear a voice asking me.

Who turned off the light? 

"Princess?" I blink at the voice and Joel's face comes into view.
"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice filled with worry.
"Yeah, I'm okay.'' I say trying to get up.

He helps me get up while holding my waist.

"Are you sure you're, okay?" He asks holding me closer to him. 

I look at his face unable to think. 
Fucking hell, every time this man touches my waist my mind flies elsewhere.

"Uh...yeah I'm fine.'' I finally speak.

He looks at me then let's go of my waist.  
My head is spinning.

"Sorry for that.'' he says.
It was him?

Well, that's why that freaking ball was in a full force, he tried to kill me.

"I didn't try to kill you. I threw the ball by mistake in the wrong way.'' he says rolling his eyes.

How the hell did he...

"Olivia, are you okay?" the teacher asks, and I nod.
"Do you think you can continue the game?" the teacher asks. 
"Yeah, I can.'' I say.

"You shouldn't play. I threw the ball with too much force; you should go and check your head to the infirmary.'' Joel says.
"Oh, come on, it's nothing.'' I say, ''Let's keep going."
"I said I'm fine.'' I interrupt him.

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