47. Break the rules

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''Olivia!'' Andy says in a dramatic voice. 
''What now?" I ask. 

We're planting flowers in the garden at my house. Our two witch mothers made us do it. I shot them a narrow glance; they are seated by the pool on sun chairs, sipping coffee in a fancy way.

My sister is sat on a chair close to us, reading a book. I know she does this to have fun of us, that we're working and she's not. 

''I am in big trouble.'' he says wiping the soil from his face.
''Me too bro, that's why my dearest mother and yours made me do this.'' I point at the flowers.

Long story cut short, me and Andy were playing football inside the house (they warned us not to) and broke my mom's favorite vase. The minute the vase shattered on the ground we knew we were fucked up. The most embarrassing part is that we tried to hide it, but my mom found us in the moment of burying the pieces of the vase in the garden. Her and Aunt Michelle made us plant the flowers after that.

Me and Andy got a thing of burying things.

''That's not my only problem.'' he shakes his head.

''I think I'm in love with Avril Cullen.'' he says, and I stare at him.
''We know.'' I say.

''What? How the hell do you know?" he asks in horror.
''Because you always look at her as if she was the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite herself.'' Lucy says. 
''Because she is and also shut up, you don't have the right to speak when you sit there like the queen on her throne and not help us.'' Andy glares at her.
''It wasn't me who broke the vase.'' she says with a dramatic close of her book. 

''Lucy is right, you do look at Avril like that.'' I intervein.
''Shut up, I do not.'' he huffs.
''Mhm.'' me and Lucy look at him amused.

''Why do you think you're in trouble?" Lucy asks.
''Well,'' he sighs, ''I don't know if she has the same feelings as me or not. Sometimes she wants me, sometimes she doesn't. Sometimes she's all hugs and kisses and then yelling and cursing. Sometimes she's good and then all of a sudden, she goes mean. I don't understand her at all.''
''Sounds like Avril.'' I say and he sighs again. 

''Wait,'' my eyes widen, ''Did you just say that she's hugs and kisses?" 
''No, I didn't.'' 
''Yes, you did!'' I throw a handful of soil at him, ''Are you two meeting in secret?" I ask and he groans.

''Oh my God!'' Lucy gasps.
''Since when?'' I ask.
''It's been a while.'' he says.
''And you didn't tell us a thing?" I hit him lightly in his shoulder.

''Hey, not talking!'' mom shouts.
''Only working.'' Aunt Mishelle shouts at us too.

"Witches," I whisper, creating a space for the flower with the garden trowel.
''They're mean when they're together.'' Andy whispers putting the flower on the space I created.

''Are you two together?" I whisper at him.
''Nah.'' he shakes his head.

''I'm not sure if our parents would allow us to be together even if we wanted to. I mean, we're not directly enemies, but my family is on your family side so." he shrugs.
''True.'' I sigh. 

''You can always keep it a secret, you know.'' Lucy shots and our heads snap at her direction. 
''That could happen?" I ask my eyes wide.
''Yeah, if you're careful enough.'' she answers.

''Go for it.'' I turn at Andy.
''Yeah, I'm not sure about that.''
''Come on, don't be a coward.'' I say.

''The worst she could say is no.'' Lucy says.
''Totally.'' I laugh.


Joel Cullen has the audacity to ignore me! Me. Olivia Meyer. 

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