19. Tick tock...

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''Joel.'' father calls as soon as I enter the house, ''Come to the office.''

I follow him without saying anything.

Father sits on his place and then points to the chair in front of his desk, for me to sit.
I obey without any words.

''I heard you hacked Christian Meyer's email and spread rumors about his bad economy situation.'' he says leaning back in his chair, and I nod.

''Good. I'm impressed.'' he says, and my eyes widen.

Is my father really praising me?
I can't believe it.

A warm feeling that I have never felt before envelopes me and my heart starts beating faster.
It feels...good.

So, this is how those kids whose father praises them every day feel like?
I'm jealous of those lucky fuckers, they get to have this feeling every time.

''But you could have done better.'' he says and that little feeling crashes.

Dang, I wish it could stay a bit longer.

That very known feeling envelopes me again and my chest starts hurting.

''For example, you could have taken all the information that email had and then use it against his company instead of writing that stupid email to the principal. The rumor you created lasted only a few hours. So, it's not a huge thing. You could have done better. " He says and I nod.

In every situation, I could have done better.
Nothing makes my father proud.

No matter what I do.

''Stop using your hacking ability with childish things and start doing what a smart man does.'' he says in a harsh tone.
''Yes father.'' I swallow.

''What if I tell you to gain information's about the 'Meyer Team' company, could you do it without messing it up?" he asks, and my eyes lit up.

He's giving me an opportunity?
I'll work with blood and tears just to prove him that I'm useful in this family.

''Yes.'' I answer.
"Can I trust you?" he asks.
"Yes father.'' I say my heart beating faster.
"Okay.'' he nods, ''You may leave.''

I get up and walk toward the door.

''Joel.'' he calls, and I turn, ''Don't disappoint me.''


Father's famous words together with 'you disappointed me'.
I nod at him and leave his office.

''Hi Joel.'' mom calls.
My mom, the greatest Amanda Cullen, is a beautiful woman with a beautiful heart who ended up with a man like my father. She has the prettiest ginger hair and the perfect green eyes.

''Hi mom.'' I say and hug her.

She's so...lifeless.
When I look at my mother's eyes it's like I'm not looking at her at all.
It's like she's here and not at the same time.
Her mind and soul are far, far away, somewhere I can't reach.

At least her hugs are still warm.

''How was your day today?" I ask touching her beautiful red hair.
''Nice.'' she says smiling.

A smile that doesn't reach her eyes.
The eyes that instead of the shiny green, I find a black soulless.

''Good.'' I smile. "I'm going to my room now.''
I kiss her forehead and let go of her.

I walk towards my room and my mom continues her ghostly walk around the house.

I enter my room and open my computer.
Now let's see who the motherfucker behind that Royal Academy news is, that made my princess sad.

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