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Why did I think this was a good idea? The Doctor thought watching Rose dance with a couple of male humans. He taken her to this club in order to let her have some fun...let her cut loose a bit. Though now he was definitely having second thoughts. Probably should've brought Ricky along too he mentally added. It might've kept little miss Tyler grounded. The Time Lord glanced at his watch. He'd give it another 5 minutes before he pulled her out of there. The Doctor drummed his fingers on the counter, doing his very best to drown out the din they called music. The Time Lord shook his head.

Nope, he couldn't do it. He needed to get out...get some air. The Doctor got up from his stall and hastily exited the building. The second he left, he caught a scent: lavender and orchids with a hint of photopaper. It stirred something deep within him...something primal. That was the scent of his Mate. He didn't know how that was possible given that he was the last of his kind. Right now he didn't really care. His Mate was nearby, if the strength of the scent was anything to go by, and he be damned should he let this opportunity slip through his fingers.

The Doctor started walking using his nose, intent on finding the one he was meant to be with. He barely reached the corner when a shot rang out. Fearing the worst, the Time Lord ran towards the source of the sound. He skidded to a stop when he saw a young woman of maybe 24/25 standing there, hand pressed to her stomach, blood pooling from beneath her fingers. The Doctor's twin hearts seized up when his nose caught something other than was the same scent as before: lavender, orchids and photopaper.

"NO!" he exclaimed, rushing over, just barely managing to catch her as she collapsed.

"You found me", the red head whispered, the Time Lord gently lowering her to the ground "not that I had doubts you would Doctor".

"Don't talk", the Doctor said softly before he realised that she'd said his name " know who I am?"

"Yes...I do...better than anyone...", the young woman coughed, a trickle of blood coming out of the corner of her mouth "listen....there's something I need to tell you..."

"You can tell me later", the Time Lord cut in.

"I can't", his Mate said "no...later f-for me..."

"There will be. I can save you", the Doctor insisted. He'd just found her and there was no way on Earth or on the Universe for that matter that he was going to let her die.

"Stop..." she whispered placing a hand over his when they started to glow gold "this is how it's supposed to end..."

The Time Lord shook his head, tears starting to form in his eyes "It can't be...", he said, his voice beginning to crack "I just found you".

"I'm sorry..." his Mate's eyes started to drift shut.

"Hey", the Doctor called softly "stay with me".

"Can' tired", the young woman mumbled "can you come closer?"

The Time Lord leaned in and his Mate whispered into his ear. She then placed a hand on his cheek "I love you", she said and her eyes closed for the last time. The Doctor knelt there, tears running down his face for a few minutes before wiping them away. He forced himself to stand up and to walk away from her. This version of his Mate was dead but there was another waiting for him. And he was going to do everything in his power to not let what happened come to pass a second time, not matter what the consequences were.

Back in the alleyway, Katia Monroe's lips parted and a breath of regeneration energy floated out. 

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