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"There we go", Pete said setting the vase down after entering his flat "Sorry about the mess. If you want a cup of tea, the kitchens just down there..." he pointed the way "milk's in the fridge. Well, it would be, wouldn't it. Where else would you put the milk? Mind you, there's always the window sill outside. I always thought if someone invented a window sill with special compartments, you know, one for milk, one for yogurt...make a lot of money out of that" Rose smiled, listening to him ramble "Sell it to students and things...I should write that down. Anyway, never mind that, excuse me..." Pete pushed past them, disappearing into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"All the stuff mum kept. His stuff. She kept it all packed away in boxes in the cupboard. She used to show me when she'd had a bit to drink", Rose said looking around at all the clutter, happy to see it where it should be. The Doctor stood there quietly fuming, arms folded. Katia watched him, rather concerned as she scratched Luna behind the ears. His mood had dramatically changed since the blonde had saved her father. She wasn't an expert when it came to time travel but she'd seen Back to the Future plenty of times to understand that you don't mess with the past. It has consequences. "Here it is, on display. Where it should be" Rose picked up a trophy "Third prize at the bowling...first two got to go to Didcot" she examined it for a few more seconds before she replaced it "Health drinks", she murmured bending down to get a closer look at them "Tonics, mum used to call them. He made his money selling this Vitex stuff. He had all sorts of jobs. He was so clever" she walked over to a table where some blueprints were laid out "Solar power. Mum said he was going to do this. Now he can".

When we met, I said 'travel with me in space'", the Doctor began as calmly as he could "YOU said no. Then I said 'time machine'".

"It wasn't some big plan", Rose insisted "I just saw it happening and I thought, I can stop it".

The Time Lord shook his head "I did it again. I picked another stupid ape. I should've known" he glared at his companion "It's not about showing you the universe - it never is. It's about the universe doing something for you".

"So it's okay when you go to other times, and you save people's lives, but not when it's me saving my dad", the blonde argued.

"I know what I'm doing, you don't", the Time Lord shot back "Two sets of us being there made that a vulnerable point".

"But he's alive!" Rose cried. What was so bad about her saving her father? "But it's not like I've changed history", she added "Not much", the blonde corrected "I mean he's never going to be a world leader. He's not going to start World War Three or anything".

"Rose, there's a man alive in the world who wasn't alive before. An ordinary man. That's the most important thing in creation. The whole world's different because he's alive", the Doctor explained, trying to get through to her.

"What, would you rather him dead?" 19 year old demanded.

"I hate to say this but he should be dead", Katia said quietly, causing Rose to stare at her in disbelief "you altered the past. And theres no telling how it'll impact our time".

"You..." Rose raised a hand with every intention of slapping her. Only she didn't get a chance as the wolf pup lunged out of Katia's arms, her little mouth clamping around the blonde's wrist. Rose cried out as her sharp teeth pierced her skin.

"Shouldn't have done that", Katia stated, very calmly, not at all perturbed that the wolf pup was currently hanging from Rose's wrist by her mouth "she's rather protective of me. Now if you're sorry..."

"Yes I'm sorry!" the blonde cut in "now get it off!"

"Very well", the photographer said and pried Luna off of Rose's wrist.

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