A selfish flower

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Katia stood by the doors with her eyes closed. "You ready?" the Doctor asked, hands on the handles, ready to open them.

"Yes", the red head answered. The Time Lord opened the with a flourish.

"Open your eyes", he said. Katia did so and saw a sky dotted with stars, one a fair size larger than the rest. "Keep your eyes on that one", he instructed, pointing to the bigger star. The 19 year old complied and within less than a minute it went supernova.

"Whoa", she breathed, blue-grey eyes wide with wonder "incredible". She quickly raised her camera and snapped pics of the phenomenon. Katia lowered her camera and watched the light fade, leaving behind beautiful clouds of different gases. A nebula. She took a photo of that as well. "It's like a phoenix", she quietly remarked "baby stars will be born in the ashes of the old one".

The Doctor hadn't considered that before "I like that", he agreed "new life from old".

"Yeah..." Katia glanced at him "thank you, Doctor". The Time Lord had admitted to her that John Smith wasn't his name, that it was just the Doctor. She thought it was a curious name but didn't question it as she just figured that it was a Time Lord thing.

"We're not finished yet!" the Doctor said closing the doors and took her hand, pulling her up the ramp to the console. Katia slung her camera securely across her body as the Time Lord started up the ship. He quickly grabbed her when she stumbled back as the place shook. Luna clung to the grilled floor as best as she could with her claws. She didn't like the shaking one bit!

"Thanks", Katia said "so where are we going next?"

"It's a surprise", the Doctor replied. When the TARDIS eventually stopped shaking, he took her to the doors once again and opened them to reveal a beach. "Welcome to Woman Wept", he said.

"Why's it called Woman Wept?" his Mate asked, stepping out of the ship. Luna followed after them, though her legs were a bit unsteady from the way the TARDIS had travelled through the time vortex.

"It looks like a woman crying from above", the Doctor explained.

"An apt name", Katia commented.

The Time Lord hummed in agreement "Now, there's a fantastic that happens to the water at midnight", he said as he started to walk.

"What happens?" the 19 year old questioned, curious.

"You'll see in about 5 minutes", the Doctor replied.

"We better get to the water front quickly then", Katia said with a smile.

"Yep", the Time Lord agreed, returning it. He stuck his hand out and his Mate took it. Rose watched from the doorway of the TARDIS with narrowed eyes and they raced off. Luna scampered after them, not wanting to miss out on whatever had her mistress so excited.

Katia and the Doctor stopped by the water front, Luna accidently running headlong into the back of the former's legs. If it weren't for the Time Lord catching the back of her jacket, she would've stumbled head first into the sea. "Thanks", she mumbled. She turned to her little furry shadow, the mini wolf giving her an apologetic look. "It's ok, Luna I'm not mad at you", she said softly, scooping her up "just remember to apply the breaks sooner, alright?" Luna just responded by licking her nose, earning a chuckle from Katia. Even the Doctor was highly amused too. He then noticed that the sea was starting to freeze.

"Its starting", he told her. Katia's blue-green eyes widened as she watched the water ice over, waves included.

"Whoa", she breathed, in utter awe of the spectacle.

"Do you like it?" the Doctor asked, loving expression of wonderment on her face.

"Like it? I love it!" Katia exclaimed, startling Luna "sorry", she murmured to the wolf pup, rubbing one of her ears "is it safe to walk through?"

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