Jack's mistake

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"Okay, so he's vanished into thin air. Why is it always the great looking ones who do that?" Rose asked.

"He's not that great looking", Katia said making the blonde look at her in surprise.

"Are you serious? He's gorgeous!" Rose exclaimed. The Doctor sat down on the table, watching the two.

The red head snorted "As if. Now Luka and Jamie...there's two great looking lads..." she trailed off when she noticed Rose's intrigued expression "whatever you're thinking Rose, I suggest you cease. They're my older brothers and I can tell you right now, you're not their type".

Rose folded her arms, brow raised "oh? And how do you know what would be their type?" she enquired "Little Miss Camera?"

The Time Lord stood up, opening his mouth in order to defend his Mate but she simply held up a hand. "I know that dumb shallow blondes would be a big turn off for them", Katia shot back. now she wasn't normally one for confrontation nor violence but when it came to her family...she'd protect them as fiercely as they'd protect her.

Rose went to retort when all of a sudden an old radio crackled to life. "Katia? Rose? Doctor? Can you hear me?" Jack called. The Doctor went over to it, the two females following him "I'm back on my ship" the Doctor picked up the radio "Used the emergency teleport. Sorry I couldn't take you" the Time Lord stared in confusion at the torn wires of the radio "It's security-keyed to my molecular structure. I'm working on it. Hang in there".

"How are you talking to us right now?" Katia asked.

"Om-Com", Jack replied "I can call anything with a speaker grill".

"Now there's a coincidence", the Doctor muttered "The child can Om-Com, too".

"Is that how he rang the TARDIS phone and made the things in the house come to life?" Katia questioned. The Doctor nodded, a serious look on her face. This was another complication they didn't need right now.

"And I can hear you. Coming to find you. Coming to fiiiind you", the child spoke in a sing song voice through the radio.

"Doctor, can you hear that?" Jack asked.

"Loud and clear", the Doctor replied.

"I'll try to block out the signal. Least I can do", Jack said.

"Coming to find you, mummy!" the child cheered.

"Ok that kid is really starting to creep me out", Katia stated. She couldn't wait to get back to the TARDIS and leave it all behind. The Doctor shifted closer to his Mate, touching the small of her back. He was about to say something to try and comfort her when Jack piped up via the radio.

"Remember this one, Rose?" he asked the blonde and then Moonlight Serenade began to play.

"Our song", Rose said quietly, embarrassed as the Time Lord cast a questioning look at her.

"Kinda romantic for someone you just met", the photographer commented.

"I guess you wouldn't know about that, would you?" Rose sneered, glaring at the other 19 year old.

"That's enough Rose", the Doctor said sternly before Katia could defend herself. The blonde threw her hands up, wandered over to a wheelchair and flopped into it.

"So, what are we going to do?" the photographer enquired.

"I'm going to try loosen the bars by setting up a resonation pattern in the concrete", the Doctor replied.

"Anything I can do to help?" Katia questioned.

"Afraid not but thanks for the offer", the Time Lord, politely turning down her help.

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