Jack's con

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Nancy hurried across a set of train tracks to her little hide out. She started taking food out of her bag that she had procured from the Lloyds house when she felt like she was being watched. She turned around to see the Doctor and Katia standing there. "How'd you follow me here?" she asked.

"I'm good at following, me. Got the nose for it", the Doctor said, sounding rather proud at that.

"People can't usually follow me if I don't want them to", Nancy said looking at both of them suspiciously.

"My nose has special powers", the Time Lord explained.

Katia glanced at him, curious "It does?" she asked "interesting".

"Yeah? That's why it's uh..." Nancy trailed off, not able to finish that sentence without cracking up.

"What?" the Doctor asked wondering why she just trailed off.

"Nothing", Nancy said trying really hard not to laugh.

"What?" the Time Lord repeated.

"Nothing!" Nancy grinned "Do your ears have special powers too?" she asked teasingly.

"What's wrong with his ears?" Katia questioned "they're nice ears". The ears in question went a bit red as did the Doctor's cheeks.

"Thanks", the Time Lord mumbled. He was fairly pleased that she liked them. In all honesty he'd never been much of a fan but her compliment was making him reconsider his own view on his ears.

"You're welcome", Katia said, unaware of what her compliment did to the Doctor.

"Nancy, there's something chasing you and the other kids", the Time Lord said the brunette "Looks like a boy and it isn't a boy, and it started about a month ago, right? The thing I'm looking for, the thing that fell from the sky, that's when it landed. And you know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

Nancy sighed "There was a bomb. A bomb that wasn't a bomb. Fell the other end of Limehouse Green Station", she explained.

"Take us there", the Doctor lightly ordered.

Nancy shook her head "There's soldiers guarding it. Barbed wire. You'll never get through", she stated.

"Try me", the Time Lord challenged. As much as he didn't want to walk his Mate into an even more dangerous situation... he secretly wanted to impress her.

"You sure you want to know what's going on in there?" Nancy asked, rather reluctant to take them to the bombsite.

"I really want to know", the Doctor insisted.

"Then there's someone you need to talk to first", Nancy said.

"And who's that?" Katia asked.

"The Doctor", Nancy replied.

"Doctor who?" the red head questioned "bet you get that question a lot", she added to the Doctor.

"More times than I care to count", he admitted.

"Doctor Constantine", Nancy said, answering her question.

"Alright then. Lead the way Nancy", the Doctor said. Nancy turned and walked off, the pair following hand in hand. When they reached Limehouse Green, the Time Lord took out a pair of binoculars from his pocket.

"The bomb's under that tarpaulin", Nancy explained, pointing to it "They put the fence up overnight. See that building? The hospital".

"What about it?" the Doctor asked.

"That's where the doctor is. You should talk to him", Nancy replied.

"For now, I'm more interested in getting in there", the Doctor nodded to the tarpaulin covered 'bomb'.

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