Chapter One☆ The Best day of Kits life

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Kit and Podcast went their way to school. Podcast had to practically drag her to the summer school. Podcast was forced to go even though he had passed. Kit didn't. She had to go or be held back.

"Come on, Kit!" Podcast said as gestered his hand towards the school.

"Do I really have to?" Kit asked as she ran up towards him.

"Yes!" Podcast said as they entered.

"We don't even have any friends." Kit complained.

"Hold on." Podcast said as he stopped making Kit stop.

He pulled out his microphone and headphones.

Kit sighed and dragged him into the classroom. "Come on."

They sat in the back of the class for at least ten minutes until everyone was inside.

A girl with glasses and short curly hair sat in the back close to Podcast and Kit. It caught Kits attention.

Kit nudged podcast. "New kid." She whispered to Podcast, gesturing to the girl with the short curly hair.

That's when Mr. Grooberson came in. A weird last name, but okay.

"Good morning, class. How's everybody doing today?" He introduces. He pushed in a cart with a TV on top. "My name is Mr. Grooberson." He finished as he stopped the cart in the front of the class.

He sighed as he looked at the bored kids who wanted to have fun. Not go to summer school. "I know. You don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be here either." He said.

Kit mumbled a "Then why are you here?" To Podcast who just shook his head.

"Now, apparently, your school is still operating on VHS. But I found this gem in the teachers' lounge. It's great, it's called Cujo." He says as he takes out a tae.

"It's about a rabid Saint Bernard that - you know what? I don't wanna too much away." He said and showed us the tape.

Kit takes her interest with her brother's microphone and takes it apart just to rebuild it. Mechanics and fixing things were one of her favorite things to do. She loves to do arts in crafts, too.

Others liked to paint nails, go shopping, make jewelry, do makeup. While Kit liked to help fix her brother's equipment and advance it if she could. She was good with mechanics.

Mr. Grooberson went on about the movie and turned it on. After Kit rebuilt the microphone, Podcast took it and turned it on.

"Speeding. Three, two one." He said as he looked over to the new girl.

Kit sighed. He did this with everyone. She turned toward Podcast and Kit, who smiled at her.

"She sits alone. An outcast, rejected by her peers. But what is her secret? Perhaps she's on the run. On the run... from herself. And... go!" He turns the Mic to the new girl, and Kit laughed at her confusion.

"Actually, my grandfather died." The new girl says in the microphone. Oh damn. That's what Kit thought.

"My mom says we're here to pick through the rubble of his life." She says into the mic with confusion. Kit frowned.

Boohoo. How sad. Kit thought. Kit shook her head to get those thoughts out. Was Kit heartless? Yeah, kind of. She processed these things differently. All she wanted to say was 'could never be me'

"So you're here to uncover the mystery of his death?" Podcast asked. He was interrogating her.

The new girl looked concerned for him. "No." She simply said. "It was natural causes."

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