Chapter Three ☆Falling in love?☆

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Mr. Grooberson drove them to the Spengler residence. The podcast got the front seat, making the two girls sit in the back.  They sat on the sides. It was a bit awkward after what had just happened.

They entered the house after Phoebe picked locked it. Podcast turned his tape on and started talking.

"It has a door and windows, like any ordinary house. But the distinct smell of evil..." He sniffed at it. "Is prominent."

"What are you doing?" Mr. Grooberson asked as he paused the tape.

"His podcast." Kit answered for him as she entered a room Phoebe was in.

They continued talking as Kit looked around. Podcast picked up some type of whistle and examined it.

"Woah. Aztec death whistle." Mr. Grooberson said, pointing to the whistle Podcast held. "It's designed to ward off evil spirits." He continued. "It's actually got a really horrifying sound-" as soon as he said that Podcast blew the whistle.

Phoebe and Kit covered their ears at the random noise.

A woman came in. "What-" She started as Podcast kept blowing it. "What the hell is that?" She asked.

"Aztec death whistle. Can I keep it?" Podcast asked.

"Yes, just don't do that again." She said. Most likely Phoebes mother. Kit thought.

"Hi." She said as she turned to Mr. Grooberson. They greeted eachother.

"You brought them home." She said. Mr. Grooberson nodded.

"It's a service I provide. Well, I'm also an escort." He went on. The three watched them as they talked. They seemed like they tried to flirt.

The three watched them as they tried to flirt horribly. They all took a glance at each other in disgust and disbelief.

They looked around some more. They were in Phoebes room now Pheobe played with her chess set as Kit sat on her bed while Podcast laid on it. The twins look through a book. "I think Grooberson's trying to bone your mom." Podcast told Phoebe. "Agreed." Kit said.

"Oh." Phoebe said and pause,  then went back to looking back. Podcast and Kit turned to Phoebe.

"That doesn't bother you?" Podcast asked. Kit frowned. That was disgusting.

"No, of course it bothers me. I just don't exhibit emotions the same way everyone else does." Phoebe states. "Inside, I'm vomiting."

Kit snickers at Phoebe'  last sentence. She would too if she was her.

Kit looks back down to see Podcast flipping a page to find the monster they as earlier.

"Wait." Podcast starts. "Isn't that what we saw earlier?" Kit asks as she picks up the book and puts it into her lap.

Podcast sat next to her on her left while Phoebe walked up and sat on her right.

"The Sumerians believed in a land of the dead, a dark and shadowy realm withing the bowls of the earth." Kits goes on. "The souls of the dead are ruled by a mighty God, Gozer, and protected by a powerful Gatekeeper and Keymaster in order that Gozer might rise up and walk the human plane again." Kit reads on. "The Gatekeeper and Keymaster must assume the form of beasts." Kit finishes.

Kit looked up to look at the two. "What did we let out?" Phoebe says.

Podcast decided to go home. Kit said she would say a bit longer. So she did.

Her and Phoebe played chess most of the time. Phoebe would win. It's that or looking through books to find more about the monster they let out. Kit noticed something on Phoebes other desk. "What's that?" Kit asked as she pointed to the weird looking thing.

"Oh, yeah. Uhm, I'm not sure. I used it to find the trap." Phoebe says as she grabs it.

It started to light up with a weird noise. "Woah." Kit says. "Woah." Phoebe repeats.

Kit grabbed it and followed it. "Wait, where are you going?" Phoebe asks as she walked up to Kit who stood at the doorway of Phoebes room.

"Let's follow it. You found the trap. Maybe we can find something else." Kit shrugs.

They followed it as they were led outside. They slowed as they looked in the window to see Mr. Grooberson flirting with Phoebes mom. "Disgusting." Kit says as they continue walking.

They followed it to the creepy ass shed in Phoebes back yard. They entered it to find a pole that led down into a dark hole. "Come on." Phoebe said as she stepped toward the pole.

Kit groaned. It was her idea. She had to. They slid down the dark hole. It echoed as Phoebe hit the bottom. Kit flew down next.

It was dark and echoing. Phoebe pulled out the radar thing and it lit up again. Soon after lights began to turn on, one by one.

"Cool." Kit murmured as they looked around. The lights took them to a closed closet. Phoebe opened it to find the old Ghostbusters suits.

Phoebe began pulling things out. A light turned on afterwards. It was a bit creepy.

In instinct, Kit grabbed Phoebes hand. She didn't let go.

They headed towards the turned on light. It shined on a proton pack.

The light moved like it was alive. Phoebe  opened it to find pieces missing. "Two of the CRT emitters are missing." Phoebe and Kit said in unison.

They took a glance at eachother then back at the proton pack. The drawer than flew open. Phoebe then reached into the drawer to grab them. She looked at the lamp. "Thanks" she whispered.

Kit didn't question it. The lamp was moving after all. After putting them in she set them aside. She pulled out the small cyclotron. "How is that such a small cyclotron?" Kit questioned. She didn't really question Phoebe or the lamp. She just questioned it.

The lamp turned towards a buzzing computer. "Got it. Your a genius." Phoebe said, sarcastically. She sat down the cycloton infront of Kit, who examined it.

"Needle-nose plyers?" Phoebe asked the moving lamp.

She pulled it out and began fixing it, Kit and the lamp helping her too.

Afterwards, they left the creepy place.

"That was a weird experience." Kit said as they exited the shed.

"Weird." Phoebe said. Kit stopped to look at Phoebe who just closed the door behind them.

"I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow? So we can try the proton pack?" Kit asked. It was getting a bit late. She needed to get home before her parents or brother freak out.

"Yeah, sure. Bye." Phoebe said, awkwardly. She looked down and fiddled with the radar.

Kit knew what she was thinking about. The hand holding, the moving lamp, hee grandfather being a Ghostbuster, the proton pack, everything. Kit didn't know what to do. Phoebe seemed like she was overwhelmed.

Kit sighed and walked over. She gave her a long hug. She wasn't good at comforting people or really communicating. After they pulled apart, Kit examined Phoebes face who looked a bit stunned and confused.

Kit laughed. She gave Phoebe a quick peck on the cheek and left. Just like that. Was Kit too quick? Did Phoebe even like girls? Did Kit like Phoebe?


Phoebe pov soon?

☆Question of the chapter☆ You want Phoebes pov soon?

◇Are you into me? Like I'm into you?♡ Phoebe SpenglerWhere stories live. Discover now