Chapter Two ☆Weird Box☆

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Kit and Podcast raced to school the next day after a call from Phoebe about a box.

Kit used a ruler to try and pry it open but it wouldn't work.

"If my sister can't do it how can we?" Podcast whispered to Phoebe.

The noises in the classroom consisted with the TV playing Chucky and Kits constant struggles.

After the ruler broke Kit sat down in defeat. She already tried to put the wires together to try and power it up and open but it wasn't enough. She connected it to a battery but it was too weak.

"I need to know what's lurking inside." Podcast said as he tried to open it but sat down in defeat.

Mr. Grooberson came up after noticing the struggles. "No way." He grabbed the trap. "Killer replica." He said as he examined it.

"Totally. A replica of what?" Phoebe asked.

Kits brain connected it and they said it in synced. "A trap." Mr. Grooberson said along with Kit.

"A ghost trap!" He said. Kit sighed. She knew it was a trap but didn't know what kind.

He looked down at the kids who stared at him blankly.

"Seriously? How do you of all people not know about this?" He asked the two twins. "I'm ashamed." Podcast said.

"I knew it was a trap but I didn't know what kind." Kit shrugged.

He sighed. "I was obsessed. New York in the '80s, it was like The Walking Dead." He explained.

"Then it just stopped?" Phoebe asked. Kit listened. She didn't usually but this had her biggest interest.

He hummed a yes as he examined the trap further. "I mean, there hasn't been a ghost sighting in 30 years." He said.

A bit of smoke looking thing raised from the crack in the middle. Mr. Grooberson dropped it once it sucked back in, making the three jump.

He took a glance up at the three kids as he lowered down. "Wait a minute." He said as he looked at the trap entrance.

"This thing is real?" He asked. A trap. A ghost trap to be exact. Real? No way! It couldn't. Right?



"I don't know"

They all said in unison.

"I found it in my living room." Phoebe stated.

"She lives on the dirt farm." Podcast clarified.

"Oh, the really spooky one?" Mr. Grooberson asked.

"The one that says 'dirt' on it." Kit added.

"What happened in New York?" Phoebe asked. They needed more information.

Mr. Grooberson took them to his desk along with the trap and opened his laptop to type in something.

It showed a picture of New York freak out.

"The whole city was freaking out." He stated. He then pointed to a car coming up. "Then these physicists showed up with these portable proton accelerators and blew the roof off of a Manhatten high-rise." He explained.

The three watched blankly, confused. "None of this rings a bell?" Mr. Grooberson asked as he looked over to the three.

"It happened 20 years before we were born." Phoebe stated plainly.

"I believe it." Podcast said. "So the trap we have is real? It's used to trap ghost?" Kit asked.

"Yeah!" Mr. Grooberson exclaimed then looked over to Phoebe who was on Kits left. Kit was in the middle.

"Your dad never mentioned this?" Mr. Grooberson asked.

"It's just my mom." Phoebe clarified. Mr. Grooberson nodded. "Just your mom. Oh uh, cool." He said as Phoebe watched him. What?

"Cool?" Kit repeated. How would just their mom be 'cool'.

He ignored the girl and fiddled with the trap. "I wonder if this still works." He said as he flipped switches.

"I'm not sure. It needs power. I tried to use a battery but it didn't work. It needs something bigger." Kit explained as they all turned to him.

He looked at the kids like he had sparked an idea.

After school they sat in the bus lot as Mr. Grooberson and Kit connected the trap to a bus. After Kit connected the last one he gave them each glasses.

"Glasses." He said as he handed the glasses to them.

"Two millimeter of plastic eye protection?" Phoebe asked. Kit laughed as she put hers on. "Exactly." Kit said as she backed up.

"Are you sure this is safe?" She asked as she watched the girl walk away. "Safe? No." He stated plainly.

"No. History is safe." He said as he backed up towards the bus driver seat where Podcast sat

"No. Geometry. That's safe." He stated. Kit leaned on the bus that Podcast was in as she watched Phoebe.

"Science is all particle accelerators and hydrogen bombs." He said as he walked back after giving Podcast his glasses.

"Science is giving yourself the plague and gambling on the cure." He said.

Phoebe and Kit stood side by side now, button in front to step on when ready. Mr. Grooberson stood next to Phoebe.

"Science is reckless." Phoebe and Kit stated in unison.

"Totally! Yes! It's punk rock. It's a safety pin through the nipple of academia." He said which made Kit roll her eyes.

"Ouch." Podcast said as he watched the group at the bottom of the steps.

"Fire it up." Mr. Grooberson told Podcast.

Podcast turned the keys and turned the bus on. The trap shot small electric out of itself. Mr. Grooberson stepped forward. "I always wanted to do this." He said as he stepped closer to the peddle.

After he stepped on it nothing happened.  The trap didn't open. He stepped on it again. And again. And again. He gestured for the two girls to stay back as he approached the trap.

He slowly approached it just to tap the entrance and it burst open. Huge smoke and electricity shot out of the trap. Phoebe grabbed Kits hand and entered the stairs of the bus. The huge mist turned into half of a huge dog and growled as it flew off, making the glass on the bus doors and windows to shatter.

Phoebe and Kit screamed as they held onto eachother for safety. Luckily, they didn't get cut. They quickly left the bus as they watched the electric smoke fly off.

"Yes!" Podcast yelled out in joy and excitement. He loved adventure. He loved knowing things.

"We should probably get out of here." Mr. Grooberson said as he stood up. A car siren flew on.

Kit scoffed. "You're an adult." Phoebe said as they turned towards Mr.s Grooberson.

"Yeah. And liable." He said then grabbed the trap.

"You know what this means?" Podcast asked Phoebe who was next to Kit.

"Your grandfather was a Ghostbuster." Kit finished.

"Yes, I'm aware." Phoebe nodded as she took her glasses off.

Kit noticed their interlocked hands and pulled away slowly. Phoebe seemed to notice to and pull away. They were just scared. That was a natural response right? We were just scared. Kit shook her head and they headed to Mr. Groobersons car to leave.

A shorter chapter but it is a chapter.

Hand holding♡♡♡♡♡♡

Tbh I would melt on the spot. I could never.

☆Question of the chapter☆ Fav character?

◇Are you into me? Like I'm into you?♡ Phoebe SpenglerWhere stories live. Discover now