Chapter Five ☆Gotta Catch em all!☆

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They walked their way to the Spengler residence, just to be made with a car that stopped.

They rolled down the window to meet Phoebes brother. Trevor Spengler.

"Hey!" He greeted. He seemed like he was out of breath because he was panting heavily.

"Hey." Phoebe said, confused. He looked over to Kit and Podcast.

"This is Podcast," She gestured towards Podcast who just waved. "That's Kit." She finished, gesturing to the girl on the other side of her who also waved. "Their my friends."

"You have friends?" Trevor asked.

"You have a car?" Phoebe quickly shot back.

"Yeah, it's a Cadillac." He said. This was a confusing situation.

"Hey dude! We need a ride. Do you know how to drive?" Podcast asked as he stepped a step closer towards the open window.

"He doesn't. He failed his driver's test three times." Phoebe whispered.

Trevor just shrugged. "Get in the back." He said, gesturing to the back of the car.

He drove them towards town as they explained. "So what the hell is going on?"

"In the 1980's, New York City was attacked." Phoebe started.

"I know the Manhatten ghost stories." He said.

"The stories are real." Phoebe said.

"Yeah, and so were the guys who climbed a building and saved the world." Podcast added.

"And fought back an invading army of the undead." Kit chimed in.

"Not to mention, a 100-foot marshmallow man!" Podcast finished as Kit snatched the trap that he held.

She fiddled with the trap to make sure it worked.

There was a short silence until Phoebe spoke up. "Our grandad was Egon Spengler." Phoebe told her brother. "He was a Ghostbuster."

He looked back at his sister in disbelief.

Then the radio went off. "All units, we're getting reports of, well, some kind of animal taking a bite out of Steve Fletcher's truck. Apparently it also took his tail gate off?" The radio went off and the three kids looked at eachother.

"Muncher." The three said in synced.

Trevor drove them through the town to find anything that Muncher might have caused. "So, what should I be looking for?" Trevor asked as he slowed down his car to look around.

"Evidence." Podcast said as they all looked out the window.

They all looked to the front to look. "Can you stop breathing in my ear?" Trevor asked Podcast who whispered, "No."

"You guys, this is kind of stupid." Trevor said as he continued driving. Kit wanted to say 'I know right?' But she didn't.

"Are you sure you didn't see like a raccoon, or like, a possum?" He asked but immediately stopped the car when Phoebe yelled. "There!" She pointed to Muncher who was trying to eat a fire hydrant.

"Is that a-" Trevor was speechless. "Free-floating metal muncher." Kit said. "Definitely Class Five." Podcast agreed.

""So what so we do?" He asks. "Let's get him." Podcast answers. "What?"

"Let me get a photo first." Podcast says. Kit looks over to Phoebe who pulled a lever and the door swung open. "Phoebe!" Kit yelled as she exited the car in her chair.

"Guys?" Phoebe says to catch the boys attention. She squeals when it turns and turns to face Muncher. "It has a gunner seat?" Kit asks.

Muncher seems to hear the commotion because he turns around. He twist the side part and screams. The firehydrant burst open and Muncher flies away.

"Go, go, go!" Phoebe demanded to Trevor, proton pack gun ready. He hits the pettle, making Kit hold onto the seat and Podcast falling backwards.

Muncher flies as Trevor drove to chase the ghost. Phoebe blasts the proton gun to miss and hit a movie theater sign.

Muncher turns towards them while flying backwards and starts shooting the mouth bullets. Trevor swerved in order to avoid it. Phoebe shot the electricity buy missing and hitting almost everything else. She finally hit Muncher and the electricity wrapped around him.

"Yes!" Trvor yelled as he sped closer. "Trap him!" Phoebe yelled.

Podcast opened a small door in the back of the floor and Kit set the wheel version of a ghost trap and Podcast used a controller to control it. The small thing was surprisingly faster than the car.

"Come on! Keep it straight!" Podcast ordered Trevor. "You try driving this thing." He shot back.

Phoebe struggled to keep the Muncher still as the tiny trapper car drove under it. They turned a left and continued racing the ghost. "Trap him already!" Phoebe yelled.

"Already! Three, two- One!" They all yelled and screamed because a car was in front. Trevor swerved a left and Phoebe lost control. She ruined another sign and let Muncher free.

"Shit!" Kit yelled as they watched Muncher fly away. "Oh my god, what just happened." Trevor said.

Kit pulled the lever to let Phoebe back inside. "He's heading for the mountain!" Kit and Podcast yelled.

They sped to catch up. "Closer." Ordered Phoebe. Kit took control of the Trap now. "I'm in range." She told them.

Phoebe used the gunner seat and shot at the ghost as Trevor sped up and Kit put on the goggles to control the Trap. "She's got him!" Trevor yelled.

Kit sped up the little trapper car and tried to get close enough to Trap Muncher.

"Whatever we're doing, we have to do it now." Trevor told them as he drove.

As soon as Kit got the Trap under Muncher, Phoebe yelled. "Come on!" She opened the trap and Muncher got lower and lower to the trap and it closed with Muncher inside of it.

They all cheered. "Bridge!" Phoebe yelled as she pulled the lever to get back inside.

They all screamed as Trever swerved to a stop. They all got out of the car. "What was that?"

"I think we just caught a ghost." Phoebe answered her brother, sarcastically. Phoebe and Kit hugged and they hugged Podcast as well. It was a success.

"I was here last night." Trevor told them, gesturing towards the mountain that had the ancient ruins.

Trevor drove them back to town. "Does any of this bother you?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" Phoebe asks as they all turned towards Trevor.

"Dude, your grandfather was a legend." Podcast pointed out the obvious. "You can literally be anything you want. Like an influencer or a DJ." He said.

"It was just easier when I thought he went nuts." Trevor said as he drove slowly.

"He didn't go nuts." Phoebe defended. "Exactly, so why did he leave mom?" He asks then a siren goes off. A police siren.

"Oh, no, no, no, no! We're screwed. We're so screwed." Trevor said as he parks to the side of the road.

"What do we do?" Kit asks as she looks back to see the cop car.

"I say we fight." Podcast said. All of this definitely had gotten into his head.

"What? No. Just check the glove box." Trevor tells them.

They checked the glove box to find nothing.

"License and registration."


☆Question of the chapter☆ Trevor or Phoebe?

◇Are you into me? Like I'm into you?♡ Phoebe SpenglerWhere stories live. Discover now