Chapter Six ☆Jailing and Failing☆

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The four of them sat in a jail cell as Trevor Spengler explained what had happened on the mountain with his so-called friends.

"We were on this big mountain, and then I went to hang out with this girl in this mining cave. Then, all of a sudden, it started shaking like an earthquake." Trevor explained as a crossed the three of us.

Kit sat back as she listened to the Spengler boy. Kit kept nudging Podcast to pay attention, which he didn't. He was too focused on looking around in awe.

"Dude, are you even paying attention right now?" Trevor asked as he noticed the younger boy looking around and his sister trying to bring him back to reality.

"Yeah! I'm just excited that we're in jail." Podcast said, and Kit rolled her eyes. "Dude, mom and Dad are going to kill us." Kit said blankly.

He ignored her as he continued to look around in awe. Kit shook her head and went back to pay attention to the older boy. Who was previously talking about a ghost named Gozier or something

He was talking to another girl in the other jail cell. "Hey! H-hi! What brings you here?" Trevor stuttered. Kit scowled at the boy. He's helpless.

Kit and Phoebe shared a glance at the small interaction. "Actually, I really need your help hiding something." Mystery girl said.

"Y-Yeah, sure!"

Oh gods, he was so helpless.

Kit rolled her eyes once more and played with a random piece of scrap metal she found. She heard footsteps that made her turn around.

"Lucky, stop messing with my inmates." The officer said as he stepped in.

'Excuse me, inmates?' Was Kits first thought. Her second one was 'Just because we're behind bars at the moment doesn't mean you can treat us like criminals' she thought, ignoring the fact that the older teen did underage driving without a driver's license, speeding, and expired license.

She watched as the small interaction played out. Luckys is a small bit of flirting with the taller boy and the boy looking like a lost kitten. Did she already say he was helpless?

Phoebe stood up to face the man in uniform. "Don't we get a phone call?" Phoebe asked. He stepped a few steps forward.

"Before you do, who you gonna call?"

(A.N- Your mom, tell her ill be there in 10)

Phoebe left to go call whoever she was gonna call, which left the other three in the cell. A woman came in yelling in Japanese, which was the twins' mother.


"Watashi no kodomo-tachi wa doko ni iru no?!" She yelled in japanese, desperate to find her children. Once she spotted them in the cell, she demanded them to be released.

(Translation- Where are my children?!)

They released the twins to the mother to translate. She was yelling in Japanese about the two in jail. Once Podcast and Kit translated and helped their mother sign a paper, they left.

Kit was a bit upset that she wasn't able to say goodbye to Phoebe. The cops also had all of their ghost hunting stuff.

The twins' mother ranted on and on about how they could've gotten hurt and about what the hell they were doing all in japanese during the car ride home.

They got grounded for about two months for being reckless. Did that stop them? No.

Once they got home, Kit and Podcast went to their shared room to figure out a plan. They got a call from Phoebe to meet them at Spinners, the diner that Trevor worked at.

Kit, Podcast, and Phoebe sat on one side of the table while Trevor and the girl named Lucky sat on the other side. A map laid across the table.

"So what exactly is with the map?" Trevor asked as he rolled it out with the help of Phoebe. "See the concentric circles around the mountain?" Phoebe asked her brother.

"No." He said after a bit of hesitation. He had no idea what concentric circles were. All he saw were circles.

Kit sighed and pointed to the circle around the mountain. "These are the concentric circles. Something is happening inside the old mine inside of the mountain." Kit tried to explain to the older teens.

"Yeah, I know that. It's pretty obvious." He said blankly. Kit scowled at his sassyness.

"So, me and Kit did some digging on the word you heard in the mountain, Gozier." Podcast proceeded to tell the two.

"You did some digging?" Trevor sassed at the pun. Kit scowled once again at his child behavior.

"Gozier was a Sumerian god who once walked amongst the living." Phoebe said, ignoring her brother's comment.

"A soul-eating," Kit started. "Flame-dripping." Podcast proceeded. "Deity of evil." Kit finished.

(A.N- Twin goals😝)

"And I think it wants back." Podcast explained.

Kit caught herself out of the conversation for a couple of seconds and stared at the curly headed girl with glasses. No, not stared. Admired.

She was snapped back at Luckys voice. "Ivo Shandor? He built this whole town. He built the mined, foundry, the school, the library." Lucky listed out. "His name is on everything." Lucky finished out with Trevor's comment, "That is tacky."

"In New York, he created an apartment building made out of selenium girders, mined from here." Phoebe explained. Kit admired how knowledgeable she was. "On that same rooftop is where our grandfather fought to keep a horde of ghosts from entering our dimension."

Even though Kit was already informed about this, her mind was still blown at the girls' knowledge. She would forget everything in an instant, but Phoebe just kept going on and on without a mistake.

"Phoebe, what exactly is happening here?" Trevor asked his sister, still processing everything she had said.

"I can only think of one way for us to find out." She said with a smirk.

Missed me?
Kits gonna get a bit more sassier...

☆Question of the Chapter☆ Kit or Podcast?

◇Are you into me? Like I'm into you?♡ Phoebe SpenglerWhere stories live. Discover now