Chapter Four ☆Will get em next time☆

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The next day Phoebe, Podcast, and Kit went out into an open field, next to an old factory.

Kit told Podcast what they had found that night. She didn't tell him they held hands or that she kissed Phoebe on the cheek. No way she would tell him that!

When they arrived in the field, Podcast set up the old rusty jars and bottles they had brought from a junk yard.

Kit helped Phoebe with the Proton pack to set it up and make sure it was ready.

Podcast got up after finishing and approached the girls. "Welcome to rust city!" He exclaimed.

"This is where they processed all the raw selenium?" Phoebe asked as she watched Kit fix up the proton pack.

"Yeah, I guess." Kit said as she stood up. She help Phoebe get the pack on. It was heavy. Phoebe stumbled but Kit caught her.

"Careful!" She yelped and laughed as she helped the curly haired girl.

"Cool." Podcast said as he examined the proton pack from behind.

"How'd you know how to fix it? I mean, no offense, but you are 12." Podcast said. Kit scoffed. "Right. Kit helped you. Of course you fixed it." He corrected.

"She helped me do it of course, yeah. And we kind of met my grandfather last night." Phoebe explained. "They showed me what to do."

"No way. Was He, like, howling and clanking chains?" Podcast asked.

"He possessed a lamp." Kit said plainly as she doubled checked the settings of the proton pack.

"Could you switch me on?" Phoebe asked the other girl.

"Yeah, sure." She backed up and did one last check before turning it on. It powered on, making a loud buzzing noise.

After a few seconds of letting it warm up, Phoebe pulled out the vacuum like part.

She switched it all on. "Safetys off." She said as she got ready.

Podcast brought out his microphone and started podcasting again. "Her feet are planted. Her face is poised. Will this be a moment of her death? Nobody knows." His voice lowers, going into a whisper.

The electricity shoots out so fast, the made air and pressure against the three. Podcast yelled out in excitement and joy.

The electricity made the grass burn and fire. Smoke arises. After a moment it stops as Kit steadies Phoebe.

"Oh my gosh. That was the best thing I've ever seen." Podcast says, taking a picture.

"Did I hit it?" Phoebe asks. Kit laughs. Podcast took off his glasses thing that took the picture. "You didn't hit it, you destroyed it!" He exclaims. Kit laughs as she leans onto Phoebe.

"It doesn't even exist anymore!" He says, gesturing to the smoke and burnt out fire. "My turn!" Kit says but then hears a loud squeal and echo from the old abandoned factory.

"What was that?" Phoebe asked. Podcast shrugged. "Probably a pigeon or something. Give me the gun." He says.

Kit grabs the small gun that was in Podcasts pocket and walks toward the abandoned factory.

Stupid? Yes. Curious? Yes. Could die? Maybe.

Another loud critter comes out. "Come on!" Kit yells to the two as she walks towards the factory.

"Hold on." Podcast says as he grabs his backpack.

"Are you guys coming?" Kit yells, not looking back.

"We're coming!" Podcast yells back.

They enter the dark and echoing factory slowly and silently. As they all enter the door slams shut behind them.

This was like that stupid horror movie scene where they die but oh well.

Podcast groans as he followed the two girls. Kit led the group further in. "I gotta come back here for my Halloween episode." Podcast says as they descend further in the dark factory.

They stop as they see a big bite out of a pole with slime in it. "Ick." Kit mumbles and leads the group further.

Phoebe now stood beside her with her weapon in her hand. Podcast walked behind, examining everything, curiously. They followed the noise deeper in the factory.

They stopped when they heard a high pitch scream. They all took a glance at eachother. Podcast shook his head no. Phoebe shook her head yes. Kit just walked on.

They stopped at a corner when they saw a big cloud of blue. The source of the sounds. It was eating the poles.

"It's a ghost." Phoebe states.

"Omg, we never noticed. Thanks for the information." Kit said, sarcastically.

"Aren't you just a little bit freaked out?" Podcast asked the two.

"Overstimulation calms me." Phoebe replies.

"I've seen creepier things." Kit shrugged.

"Like the ghost you saw when we were 8?" Podcast asked.

"Exactly." Kit said as she followed Phoebe behind a tank. Podcast followed after but made a loud clink.

The three ducked until they were sure the ghost wasn't looking. Phoebe and Kit peaked over to see a blue bug ghost looking thing.

"Okay, okay, okay." Podcast whispered to himself as he took out something.

"What's that for?" Kit asked, looking over to see the death whistle.

"I have a plan." He replied and stood up.

"Wait!" Phoebe said but it was too late. He blew the whistle which definitely caught the ghosts attention. The horrible noise of the whistle echoed through the room. After he had to duck down because the ghost started shooting spit bullets at them.

Phoebe rose, just to shoot the ghost but completely missed. "Get the trap!" Phoebe told them.

Kit and Podcast rummaged through the bag for the trap while Phoebe blasted electricity at the ghost.

Kit grabbed the trap and walked over, Podcast trailing behind. Kit threw the trap towards the ghost as Podcast readied the button.

"Catch him!" Phoebe yelled but Kit threw it too far so they had to reel it back in a bit. The ghost was beginning to escape while the twins struggled to throw the trap.

The ghost broke through the line of electricity and the ghost broke a window and flew off.

They all sighed. They packed up their things and left the abandoned factory to head towards the Spengler house.

Short chapter🤧

Team work doesn't always make the dream work

☆Question of the chapter☆ Who you gonna call?

◇Are you into me? Like I'm into you?♡ Phoebe SpenglerWhere stories live. Discover now