Chapter 8: Into Gootraxians Society

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Current time: 13:20 PM

-Y/N's POV-

We walk into the cafeteria, Haz makes sure I stay close to him, I feel really anxious, not sure how the other gootraxians will react, even though I did saw other gootraxians during my visit with Dros, it still feels so... weird, and for some reason, I feel like they are all scared of me.

We go to the counter, some gootraxians already noticed me and observes me without saying anything, Haz rings the bell and another gootraxian shows up, it looks like a cat but it keeps dripping white stuff and look like it's slightly melting... is it... made of ice cream? Looks like it considering they have some chocolate rice sprinkles on their body, their face features are brown and their tail look like a scoop of ice cream with a waffle cone, I... have no words. 

Seems like they work here.

Their eyes widened when they see me.

Haz: A table for two please.

Cafeteria Attendant: I see you brought a special guest huh...

Haz: Don't worry, this human here is completely harmless, you don't have to worry about anything.

Cafeteria Attendant: So I've heard. We should have one table left, my colleague will show you the way.

Another ice cream cat gootraxian who seem to be a waiter, comes out of the dining room, this one is pink, maybe it's strawberry flavored?

We follow the waiter into the dining room, said room is filled with alot of different gootraxians, I recognized some species, for example the wolf with sunglasses but instead it's wearing a pair of headphones. Though there are gootraxians I simply don't know how to describe. One thing's for sure, they all are looking at me, and that is creeping me out.

We sit down at the table and the pink ice cream cat waiter gives us the menus, they then go to a door that seems to lead to the kitchen.

Haz: Hey you alright? You seem really nervous.

Y/N: R-Really? How can you tell?

Haz: You're shaking and all.

And he's right, I feel like I'm not supposed to be here.

Y/N: S-Sorry it's just-

Haz: It's ok I know how you feel.

Haz looks at the other gootraxes who keeps watching me, he raises his tone slightly.

Haz: Surely they WILL STOP looking at you, trust me they'll understand it's WEIRD for you.

I notice the other gootraxes stopped looking at me after he said that, though I do notice some of them still tries to look at me while facing away, I feel less anxious now.

Y/N: ... t-thanks I whisper to Haz

Haz: You're welcome.

I look around and see several ice cream cats waiters taking orders from the clients while others serve them.

Y/N: (It feels strange, they aren't humans, yet they behave like us. It's so... unreal.)

The waiter from earlier comes back.

Waiter: Can I take your order?

Haz: Oh right, Y/N you go first.

Y/N: Oh I uh.. umm

I quickly look at the menu, lots of options there, might wanna take a simple thing.

Y/N: I'll.... take a taco... please?

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