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I would let this woman get me pregnant 🥰

Uhh, this is some teacher x student type stuff but the reader is a adult broski so don't sweat it 😍

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"Focus, answer the question."

Miss Circle grinned, showcasing her sharp teeth.

A hand traveled up your thigh, the sharp end of her finger grazing your skin. The math teacher repeated the equation, however her voice was merely a buzzing sound to your mind. As your thoughts were occupied, focused on the hand opening up your shirt, the buttons long ago undone.

"Cmon, focus. You know what is not going to happen if you dont."

You nodded breathlessly, a tingling feeling arising in your chest as Miss Circle's hand ripped the annoying barrier in her way to accessing your chest better. Yes, the bra. Ripped in half.

Once you felt the clothing item loosen on you, it was shrugged off along with the shirt.

"How eager..adorable. But," Circle brought you up from her lap and immediatly pushed you down onto her desk. You huffed, feeling slight discomfort at the different papers and folders beneath your back.

"If you can't answer the question, you aren't getting anything." The threat came in a teasing tone, which caught your attention. You knew very well, despite it coming across as a joke it was a genuine statement.

If you couldn't answer the equation, Miss Circle wasn't gonna smash

Taking your lower lip between your teeth, you nodded at the teacher hovering over you. Seeing the signal she began to repeat the math equation, her head lowering to your stomach.

"Better,.." You could feel hair brushing against your stomach, along with a pair of lips gently kissing the skin.

Miss Circle slowly spoke, reciting the equation to you while slowly kissing her way up your torso. She enjoyed the way your breathing deepened, every time her lips came in contact with your flesh she would eye the rise and fall of your chest.

She finished the repeation of the mathematical equation,

"Now, I want you to answer. And answer correctly, or the punishment won't exactly be one you favor." You felt a hand press flat against your stomach, and looked down to see Miss Circle grinning deviously as her face was nearly between your breasts.

"A-alright," You stuttered, face rising in warmth as the teachers tilted, her cheek against your right boob.

Shutting your eyes, you took a deep breath. "Look at me while your answering. And I want you to tell me the steps to solving as well." Doing as you were told, you opened your eyes. As you began answering, Miss Circle's grin never fell. Even if you got it wrong she wouldn't stop, she wasn't in the mood to hurt you. She wanted something else with you.

As the words left your mouth, explaining the steps carefully, the hand on your stomach slid down further, undoing the zipper and button of your jeans. Miss Circle had her compass tool arm propped besides you, "You're doing good, keep going."

You continued on, nearly stuttering and tripping up on your words as you felt the warm hand slide into your underwear, "Don't mess up now, you're making progress." She teased, her tongue pressing flat against your nipple.

You took a sharp inhale, lips quivering slightly as Miss Circle's fingers began teasing your clit. Her fingers circled (hee hee) around it slowly, but as you paused she hummed, "Keep going."

Her mouth went back to your nipple sucking lightly as you continued telling her the steps to solving the problem. The hand in your pants traveled down further, fingers easily pushing into your cunt.

"You really are adorable, already wet. How needy are you for a good fucking that only this little bit of action got you all hot?" Miss Circle questioned, cutting off your sentence and making you whimper.

She giggled, her fingers surprisingly hadent brought you any pain. A look of confusion crossed your features, making you quirk a brow. "Dont worry, the sharpness is only for show, to intimidate little weasels that fail my class. I can change that characteristic of mine,"

Miss Circle explained, her fingers began moving. Your legs twitched, feeling the scissor movements they began working in,

"But these pants are in my way. How about you get them off and I can reward you for being such a cute, compliant little thing, huh?"

¤•°× -   ○   - ×°•¤.

And that's a wrap folks, I lost my confidence 😭

Kinda scary to post this ngl 😰

Miss Circle x fem reader (Smutshot)Where stories live. Discover now