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Not yall begging for an update 😭

This isn't finished- but this is what I cooked after being high

I want Miss Circle AND Miss Grace to get me pregnant so warning; threesome? Idk this counts as a threesome but I'm dumb


¤•°× -  ♡  - ×°•¤

"C-Cmon, are you two seriously arguing now- in the middle of this?" You huffed, red in the face.

Miss Circle sneered, the corner of her pale lips twitched upwards as she glared down at Miss Grace, whose chest your back was pressed against.

They both glared into eachothers eyes, ignoring the wat eachothers hands worked on the different sensitive parts of your body. Miss Grace's hands worked at your chest, massaging your breasts, her fingers kneading the flesh from behind.

Meanwhile, Miss Circle was infront of you, between your shakey legs her thumb circled around your clit before pressing the pad of the finger to the little bundle of nerves. "Yes, we are." Miss Grace leaned down, whispering into your ear while holding the glare with her employee.

The closet you three currently resided in was almost too tight of a spot. It was tight enough that you were able to be positioned between the two tall women, and not fall. You tilted your head to the side, feeling a pair of lips being pressed to the crook of your neck. You didn't didn't notice your hair being pushed to the side beforehand.

The glare between Miss Grace and Miss Circle was broken, the two looking elsewhere.

Miss Circle watched as Miss Grace kissed along your neck, lips trailing down to your collarbone where she placed a kiss once again. This time however, she took a soft bite, causing you to tense just slightly at the feeling of her sharp teeth. However she took caution, and did not puncture the flesh.

The math teacher scoffed at her boss, moving two fingers between your wet folds, lubricating them with your slick. She did this somewhat slowly, letting you feel as she got her fingers ready to enter your cunt.

"Hmm," Miss Grace's eyes narrowed, looking down at your wetness, "Are you enjoying this?" She asked, "Being between the two of us like this, our hands all over you?" You let out a quivery exhale, feeling her hands give your breasts a firm squeeze.

Miss Circle gave the principal a look, and received a silent nod in response. You let out a sound of surprise, as she two suddenly adjusted your position between their bodies. You were scooted up against Miss Grace just a bit more, her arm reached around your waist, between your legs.

As Miss Circle's fingers slipped into you, Miss Grace's

¤•°× - ☆ - ×°•¤

You think this is actually gonna get finished??


Get edged 🙏🏾

Miss Circle x fem reader (Smutshot)Where stories live. Discover now