Quick piece of advice: (A/n)

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I have advice for everyone:

After someone tells you "There's weed in brownie"

You say "Oh, that's coll but I don't want any"

Not "ohh can I have some"

Cause dammit I'm high now

And why was my aanshwish hard, wait o meant sandwich

Sanwish not ashdh

Yk what I mean

Also I'd let her get me pregnan

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Also I'd let her get me pregnan

Oh and I knew what came after 1000
It's 999

Not 998 because the other puzzle piece was found

Ohhhh God what's if I'm still high qheni he tpucier up ig nooooo

Oh I saw the ash baby

Everytime I see I see the ash baby I get sad cause that poor little baby died a painful death, and then he became a mem people make fun of and its like

He's a baby leave him alone

Or he was a baby cause he died

I cmmmmm I miss my girlfriend

My sandwich is hard and I'm mad cause I wanna eat it

I've been typing his cor a hour what happen

I've been typing his cor a hour what happen

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She's so pretty even tho she's ugly


Miss Circle pleaseeew women chanveeeeeee


Okays bye bge

Annddddd oooihhh I love that that's so nice

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Annddddd oooihhh I love that that's so nice


Get it cause like


Ye bye

Also thanks for see my silly awesomedauceness thingy


Miss Circle x fem reader (Smutshot)Where stories live. Discover now