Zaddy is sorry -A/n

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like cmon it's been like 80° and I don't do good In heat, my little brown ass got browner and I can feel my rights slipping away

Happy late 4th by the way, I hope yall were feeling patriotic (if youre american) and got to see some crazy ass fireworks

Anyways, the point of this A/n was for two things;

1. I seriously am having a hard time coming up with things to write for this book and my other ones.

- I feel like my smut writing skills are burning out so I'm scared that any I write is going to be poor quality and embarrassing

- And plus I keep getting comments asking why I describe things the way I do so I'm feeling a bit..idk, discouraged?

Pookie stop pointing out my ways 😡
Zaddy is trying her best 😔

2. My birthday is on the 9th of july, I'm gonna be 16..old 🥶 just kidding. I'm excited, this is the age I'm actually allowed to date so (little does my guardian know I have had a girlfriend for a year) 🥰

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