Very unexpected

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Ngh Miss Grace could get me pregnant any day she wants

Oh yeah, this is Miss Sasha & Miss Grace x reader, sorry again you little horny goofballs but no Miss Circle today 😔
• Student reader (18 yr old senior ofc)

Oh, and happy gay month to all of you 🥰

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How unexpected..

How very unexpected,

These two, are the last amongst these staff members you would've thought would do something like this with a student.

But here you were, laid back on a large desk, legs hung over the edge of the desk. Your thighs were grasped onto by two dark hands, they crept into the inner section, spreading you apart to be more exposed. You sat up, propping yourself up on your elbows to see better.

Miss Grace gave a pat to your thigh, and taking the signal you lifted your hips and allowed the principal to slip off your undergarment. You watched as the older woman tossed them aside, you watched as she got on her knees between your spread legs. Nervously, you took in everything, the sensation of her warm, wet tongue licking a trail along your flesh to that sensitive cunt between your thighs.

"W-wait-" you stutter, but suddenly a soft, pale hand gently cupped your cheek and turned your head. That hand belonged to Miss Sasha, the kindergarten and art teacher. That's actually where you were now, in her classroom. The janitor better do their damn job, especially after the three of you are done in here.

"Don't be nervous, sweetie." She said. You gulped.

Miss Sasha said no more and released your cheek. The kindergarten teacher hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her black capri pants, and pulled down- along with the capris her underwear went down too. Seeing the beret wearing teachers lower half bare, her cunt now on display much like yours was- your eyes widened.

"M-Miss Sash-" you were cut off, Miss Grace, down below between your legs, had your clit between two fingers, both rubbing the sensitive bud. The woman shushed you. Her eyes focused on your cunt, her fingers playing with your clit before looking up and into your eyes.

"Like she said, don't be nervous. You'll have more to think about in a second, anyways." Going to ask what she meant, you opened your mouth only to seal your lips, turning your head at the feeling of a hand holding your shoulder.

Like Miss Grace said, you did have more to think about. Miss Sasha gently pushed you back, using the hand she had on your shoulder. Now laying flat against the desks surface, the art teacher would have a easier time getting into proper position.

As she climbed and positioned herself so  she was above you, it was then you'd truly noticed how...thick her thighs were.

Your eyes focused above, on the Miss Sasha's cunt above your face, it seemed like she was already wet too, and you haven't touched her- or based off the obvious- started eating her out yet.

Feeling a huff of warm breath fanned over your pussy, your legs twitched. Miss Grace's face drew in closer to the final destination between your thighs, her eyes shut as her tongue peeked out from between her pale lips. The feeling of her breath hitting your cunt never left, and you looked down.

A certain wet muscle of Miss Grace's circles around your wet entry, not yet going inside. Lips parting, a little moan escaped you. If the teasing was making you feel this way- what would happen when she finally put her tongue in? A hand ran through your hair, feeling the warmth in your face as her hand had brushed against it, Miss Sasha chuckled from above, "You're already so warm." She said.

Finally, Miss Grace's tongue began working it's way into you, making your breathing pick up. At the intrusion of her tongue, your walls tightened, making her hum against you. With a thrust of the tongue, Miss Grace had her tongue in, tasting your insides.

Just as you went to moan aloud, Miss Sasha took her seat on your face, keeping you from making the loud sound and alerting anyone left in the school of the activity currently commencing in her classroom.

Miss Sasha's hand gripped onto your h/c hair more tightly. She let out a shakey breath, feeling your tongue easily slip into her. Your saliva combined with her fluids, ensured easy entry for it. The right and left sides of your heads were being squished in slightly by the red faced teachers thighs. A side thought you had, is that she must run. Her legs are built quite nicely.

"Oh- j..just like that, there you go.." she murmured, feeling you curiously move your tongue around between her tight and eager walls. Miss Grace hummed against your cunt again, her tongue reached as deep into you as it could reach, running along the ridges of you walls as they clenched around her tongue to seek out more friction.

Your hands found their ways to Miss Sasha's thighs. How she gripped your hair as you ate her out, is how you held onto her thighs. You rubbed your tongue against her walls, savoring her flavor on taste buds. Despite being so inexperienced, she didn't seem to mind your hesitancy in the moves you did.

You shut your eyes, focusing on the different things going on over your body. The feeling of Miss Grace's tongue moving a tad quicker in your wet cunt, to Miss Sasha's fingers in your hair down to the way she even began moving her hips slightly. Now, really, she was beginning to ride your face.

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I'm falling asleep.writing this shit 💀
Time to wrap it up, my bad

Btw women don't taste "sweet" like some smuts say spoiler alerrt

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