Evil woman (not smut lmao-)

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Okay this-                              🦅

I'm not sure what this is tbh but oh well

It's something🤰(me after Miss Circle)

Something happened that gave me inspo to write 😍

But this can't even be considered smut, it's just two silly wet woman-kissers in a shower 🤺

So nudity is mentioned, along with dirty stuff and yeah, I'm not good at warnings..sorry

¤•°× -   ♡   - ×°•¤

Snatching a towel from the cabinet, you gave the wooden door a nudge and turned away as it shut rather loudly. All of noise for what? You wondered, rolling your eyes. So dramatic for no reason.

After sending a message to your girlfriend, letting her know you'd be taking a shower and that the door would be unlocked for her to get it, you placed the phone down on the rack near the shower.

At the receiving end, Miss Circle grinned at the message.

She and you both knew why you took showers when she wasn't there.

It's no secret, she's no 'normal' heighted woman, being at 9'7. This causes a problem, that problem being she takes up quite a bit of fucking room. This woman honestly just likes getting in with you so she can 1; clean you, 2; have her wet body pressed against your also wet body.

It's enjoyable to see your cute face all flustered and warm.

Especially when her face is being smushed by your thighs and she's looking up from between your legs.

That's when Miss Circle picked up the speed, her foot pressed the pedal harder. She was now determined to join you in there, and now would be the perfect time since you wouldn't expect her.


Miss Circle practically stumbled into her home, throwing her bag in a random direction and hearing a crash follow. The entry door was slammed behind her and locked.

Somehow, not hearing you continued showering peacefully unaware of the evil woman that was going to inturupt your warm, calm shower.

It all happened so quickly, before things could process like the sounds that alarmed you, the plastic wet shower curtain was pulled back and quickly a tall intruder entered.

That intruder being your lovely girlfriend, Miss Circle. Evil woman.

"YOU-" You growled at the woman, nearly slipping but being caught by a arm around the waist. A little stumble session started, you kept slipping and squirming to get room while Miss Circle laughed, keeping her arm around you and watching you writhe in desperation for some space in the warm, steamy space.

The dark arm around you tightened, pulling you in closer to the slim, pale body of Miss Circle's. You huffed angrily, but began flushing in the face as you felt your wet breast squishing into your lovers.

You screeched, feeling as you spun- and suddenly the positioning had been changed. Now, your back was against the farthest wall. Feeling the cool steam that gathered up on the wall, you inhaled and arched your back at the sudden cold.

Miss Circle's hand grabbed your thigh, nudging upwards and giving you a sign. Sighing, you cautiously did a little jump- then wrapped your legs around the area right above your tall girlfriends hips.

"You sped through traffic just to come in here and harass me, didn't you?!" Chuckling, Miss Circle leaned her head down towards you, shutting her eyes. You got the sign and moved her wet hair from out of her face. She couldn't do it herself- only having one arm.

"Noo~, of course not, my love. What kind of woman do you take me for?" She responded in a tease. Eyes going half lidded, you gave Miss Circle a unamused look, frowning.

Laughing at your expression, her eyes slowly lowered from your face. She didn't even hear your words, too distracted by your body doused in water droplets. Her eyes followed the nearly transparent drops falling from your wet head of hair, down your lips, your nose and jaw. Down your neck, then over your breasts and the valley between.

Having took notice of her not hearing you- you decided it was time to take out the big guns.

"This is why only have one arm."

Miss Circle sneered at you, leaning away slightly before glaring at you in result of the comment.

"And the one hand is all I need to have you squirming beneath me begging for more you-"

Both of you jolted- hearing the ringing of a phone go off below. Behind the curtain, at the floor in the little pile of the teachers clothing. It was in her pants pocket, continously sounding off.

This curtain ring tone labeled the caller, alerting Miss Circle of who exactly was calling her and disrupting her soon-to-be fuck session. That ring tone meant it was Oliver- her son.


"I swear, if that boy got in trouble for staying at the school after hours being with that girl in that room..." she hmphed, deciding that Oliver will just have to deal with Miss Grace's scolding and not recieve his mother's help.

Miss Circle did not have to answer to know that's why he was calling.

"Anyways.." the glare returned, making you gulp. Carefully and slowly, Miss Circle began lowering to her knees, at the same time, somehow, managing to adjust you as she did so. Next thing you knew, your legs were on her shoulders, thighs spread, allowing her access to your no no square


"Now, back to the arm comment." She glowered at you, sneering. Once those pearly white, incredibly shapr teeth of hers were visible...

your timbers were shivered.

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Alr but now that I think abt it...

Oliver and Alice kinda....


When you call them pookie and instead of them saying it back to you they say "Oil up I'll be there soon" 😔

Miss Circle x fem reader (Smutshot)Where stories live. Discover now