Chapter 6

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It has been a few weeks since, everything seems fine, Lucifer eventually brought Charlie to his extra room up top since he was sharing a room with Alastor. Charlie still hasn't woken up at all, she was still in a coma. Lucifer was worried, sure she killed Sir Pentious but he couldn't bring himself to blame her.... Or hate her....

Instead... He blamed his ex-wife for this.... Lilith was the one who raised her to be like this. So that's why he couldn't blame Charlie for this! No way he could ever, so he was blaming Lilith for this....

Lucifer was just in the room where Charlie was, she was just laying there in her coma as Lucifer just stared at her before tearing up.

"Charlie.... I'm sorry I wasn't in your life.... If only I took you with me so... So... You didn't had to listen to your fucking mother...." Lucifer said as he started to sob uncontrollably.

Alastor then walked in the room since he was looking for Lucifer then he noticed him crying as he went up to Lucifer.

"Luci... Are you ok...?" Alastor said as he put his hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

"No.... Sure Charlie acted horrible to us.... But she's still my daughter..... My fucking ex ruined her...! It's all fucking Lilith's fault...! I hate her so fucking much more than anything...!" Lucifer said as he was angry with Lilith as tears still fell from his cheeks.

"She definitely sounds awful.... Your ex that is... I'm just glad you moved on from her" Alastor said as he kisses Lucifer's head.

"Same... Fuck her, you are much better..." Lucifer said as he hugged Alastor.

"Lu dear, shall we go to the others who are in the lobby right now darling?" Alastor said as he gives Lucifer a hug back.

"Probably so.... Let me just say bye to my daughter first..." Lucifer said before he gave his unconscious daughter a hug before heading off to the lobby downstairs with Alastor by his side.


Angel was at the bar flirting with Husk then he noticed Alastor and Lucifer.

"Oh hey you two, did you two fucked when you were in your room?" Angel said as he wanted to know.

"Angel no, stop" Lucifer said as he sighs.

"Oh anyways, Eve went off to go somewhere, not fucking sure where though" Husk said as he begins cleaning a glass.

"That's Eve, the one who bit the apple so it's fine" Lucifer said as he didn't really care about her.

"Well anyways... Is everyone all settled?" Alastor then asked before Angel started asking questions again.

"Actually... One question, why did you had to heal up that girl after she fucking attacked us short king?" Angel said as he was confused by this, then he noticed Lucifer's saddened expression.

"Angel... She's his daughter so of course he would.... You must respect his wishes...." Alastor said as he gave Angel a glare.

"I get that, but she could have killed us all like she did to Sir Pentious!" Angel then reminded them of Sir Pentious.

"Don't blame her.... Blame that fucking mother of hers.... If she wasn't raised by her mother.... She wouldn't have acted like that at all...." Lucifer said as he looked at the ground.

"Uh pardon me short king but some of the blame has to go to her as well y'kno-" before Angel could finish Alastor immediately glares at him.

"Angel! Stop talking." Alastor said still with a glare at Angel as he even snarled at him.

"Ok, ok calm the fuck down- jeez-" Angel said as he went to the bar.

Alastor sighs as he hugs Lucifer to comfort his boyfriend.


Meanwhile back in heaven.... Vaggie was talking with Lilith since Charlie basically "died" since she saw her basically die in front of her. Lilith was extremely upset with this as she went to the heavenly council.

"Head Seraphim! My apologies but Princess Charlie of the heavens is now dead! Lucifer Morningstar was involved! Vaggie told me so!" Lilith said as she told Sera. Sera on the other hand was stressing out due to Sir Pentious's sudden appearance in heaven.

"Pardon... Actually.... This information could be in use...." Sera said as she was thinking of something.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Lilith said as she yelled at Sera.

"Hm... A sinner somehow got redeemed.... I feel like this was God's doing..... But if we can keep this under wraps for now... Perhaps we could start a war on hell..... Especially on the death of Charlie..." Sera then said. "I told Emily and Adam to keep that snake in a room for now so that's all covered...."

"... That's covered then... What about the archangels? You know... Lucifer's older siblings?" Lilith asked.

".... They shall not know of this...." Sera then spoke to her.


A few more weeks later, Charlie eventually woke up as she tried to sit up but she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, sure Lucifer healed it but it would take a lot of time just for her wound to fully heal.

"The fuck..? Where am I...? Didn't I just get stabbed by a maniac..?" Charlie said as she looked around and saw thousands of ducks lying around the room then she noticed a little duck, it was her but as a baby, it was on the bed so she picked it up. "Is... Is this supposed to be me??" Lucifer then entered the room to check up on Charlie, to make sure she's still somewhat breathing. Once he came in, he saw Charlie awake as tears fell down his face.

"Charlie...." Lucifer said as tears still fell down on his face as he ran towards her and hugged her. Charlie just gave him an uncomfortable look.

"You?! Why are you here?! And why am I alive?!"

"... I managed to stop the bleeding.... I just couldn't have my daughter die like that.... Like I was trying to say before.... Just because I made a mistake... That doesn't mean I hate you.... I love you more than anything.... Your mother just lied to you since she would try to keep that from you...." Lucifer said as he still had tears in his eyes.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Charlie said as she just looks away not knowing what to do, she couldn't just get used to her father just yet, mainly because of her mother.

"I get it... It's not like I pushed you out of me for no reason anyways...." Lucifer then accidentally said.

".... What?" Charlie said, a bit confused by this and was wondering how that even works in the first place.

"Uh... Oh shit...." Lucifer said, Alastor was by the door about to check on Lucifer as he stood there in shock.

'What.... Lucifer gave birth not his ex-wife-? How is that possible???' Alastor thought as he was confused on how that works and even shocked by this.

To be continued! Muahahaha!

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!

Also, I just had to add the pregnant Lucifer in here because I love this headcannon even though Viv probably meant it as a joke but it's hilarious so I'm keeping it! Haha! Also how he got pregnant: he basically has female ovaries but he still has his male gonads as well!

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