Chapter 9

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After Lucifer finished cooking, he then ate his food, afterwards he saw Alastor in the lobby nicely dressed. Husk and Angel were in the lobby just looking at Alastor's new wardrobe change.

"Whoa smiles, are you and the short king fucking or not?" Angel said as he gave a sly smirk. "Ha! No! For your information, me and him don't need to do that all the time! There's more to a relationship than sex anyways!~" Alastor said as he was preaching the truth.

"Eh whatever" Angel said as he shrugs before just sitting back and relaxing on the lobby couch. Alastor then went up to Lucifer as he took his hand and kissed it.

"Ready my love?~" Alastor said as he looked at Lucifer. "Yeah! I am ready Al!" Lucifer said as he smiled. "Alright! Let's get going then!~" Alastor said as he took his hand before walking out of the hotel.


Then Alastor went to a nice spot, away from the destruction part of the pride ring, it was in a nice looking park, despite everything looking red, due to them being in hell. Alastor then teleported a blanket on the red grass along with a picnic basket as he sat down with Lucifer. Lucifer started to eat as Alastor was admiring him.

"Hey Lu?" Alastor said as he gave a soft smile. "Yeah Al?" Lucifer said as he continued to eat the food, as he looked up at Alastor, his cheeks stuffed with food. (Don't worry Alastor fed him normal food)

Alastor then saw the red "sun" setting as he got on his knees and pulled out a ring. "Lucifer Morningstar.... We have been together for so long.... Will you marry me?" Alastor said as he pulled out a ring. "Al..." Lucifer said as he tears up before smiling and just hugs Alastor. "Yes! Yes! Of course I will!" Alastor then puts the ring on Lucifer as he decided to give Lucifer a passionate kiss on the lips, they were kissing for quite awhile as well. (canon I was Alastor's cane)

They then went back to the hotel after awhile and even decided to announce their engagement to the other hotel members. Nifty was trying to chase Charlie with a needle, then Lucifer saw her as he quickly went to Nifty and picks her up. "Nifty! Uh stab the bugs instead please?" Lucifer pleaded Nifty to do so. "Hmmm... fine!" Nifty said as she went off to look for bugs. "Jeez! That little fucker is annoying as hell!" Charlie said as she crossed her arms. "Char-Char, Are you ok??" Lucifer said as he was treating her like a child. "I.... no... please don't treat me like a kid.... that's weird.... Also I'm fine now..." Charlie said as she stated to walk off to her room. Lucifer sighs as it may take awhile for Charlie to fully get used to him, Alastor then saw Lucifer as he hugs him from behind and kissed his head. 

"What's wrong Luci?~" Alastor asked him as he nuzzled the top of his head. "I just... well I'm not sure how much longer my daughter is going to get used to me.... what if she never will?!" Lucifer said as he panicked then said, "I never gotten the chance to become a father to her either.... since she was just a baby when I fell..." Lucifer started to tear up still remembering up, Alastor was trying to comfort him before sighing then said as he looked away, a bit afraid to say it as well as he said, "Well.... maybe in the future we could have a child of our own...? But ONLY when I feel comfortable about having a child, alright Luci?" As he said that, he was looking away as Lucifer turned around and hugs Alastor back. "A-are you being serious..?" Lucifer asked as he looked up at Alastor, just before Alastor nodded. "Yes of course.... but only when I feel comfortable, alright Lu?" Alastor said as he looked down to see Lucifer's eyes. "Wahh.... Thank you Al..." Lucifer said as he snuggled up close to Alastor's chest. Alastor nodded as he held onto Lucifer close to him as he kissed his head.


After they told everyone about their engagement, they started to plan out their wedding. But over back to heaven, Sera was talking to Vaggie about something.... And it wasn't good...

"So.... You decided to tell me NOW that the demons killed Lilith's daughter?! WHY TELL ME NOW?!" Sera said as she was upset by this.

"Miss.... I assure you that these demons are more powerful than we thought..... It must be the fact that Lucifer decided to come out of hiding... But we need to take revenge! They killed Charlie! So we must start war...." Vaggie said as she was blinded by vengeance.

"Fine.... We will, I'm also sure Lilith wouldn't mind due to the fact her daughter is dead.... So, the next 6 months.... I command war with hell so make sure to train your army while you can, alright Vaggie?" Sera then commanded Vaggie. "And I don't care if those sinners could be redeemed due to that snake guy.... We are still starting war with them...."

"Of course..." Vaggie said as she bowed down, just before she walked away to go do so.

"I will avenge you Charlie.... Those demons don't deserve to live.... Especially after what they did to you!" Vaggie said as she begins to tear up remembering seeing Charlie smile just before she "died."

To be continued!!

Here's another chapter!! Hopefully you guys enjoyed this!!

Now eat this up everyone!

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