Chapter 15

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--5 years later--

Allen is now 5 years, Angel was able to get free from Valentino with the help from Lucifer of course so now he was free and he was close to being redeemed, Emily was promoted to be high Seraphim and she talked to the elder angels about redemption for sinners and they finally accepted her request after God gave them a stink eye to let redemption happen.

So now it was possible since, a few sinners did check in and even a few of them got redeemed. Angel was getting close to being redeemed but he believed that he wouldn't be seeing the pearly gates due to him making those sexual jokes. But to his surprise when he heard Lucifer talking about Saint Peter being a zesty mother fucker, Angel knew he had a chance. As for Cherri, she had already been redeemed and was now reunited with Sir Pentious.

Allen then was running around the hotel as he giggled and tried to play pranks on everyone, Margaret told Lucifer and Alastor that she would watch Allen so both of them could spend some alone time with each other. So both Alastor and Lucifer went to their room to enjoy each other's company.

"Hey Al.... Since Allen isn't around.... You could always drink my blood about now~" Lucifer said as the fucking masochist he is. "Hm, will you not moan then? Hmmm?" Alastor then asked him with a serious face on his face.

-{Bl00d/neck biting kink/Masochist Luci}-

"I'll try not to..~" Lucifer said as he exposed his neck for Alastor to see it, just to tempt him. Alastor being the cannibal he is, he immediately bites Lucifer's neck drinking his blood like it was a juice box, Lucifer then bites his bottom lip as he whimpers, also trying to keep his moans in so Alastor doesn't get weirded out. ("Mm~ yes Al~"/ref) After awhile, Alastor eventually stopped as he licked his lips since the gold blood was dripping from his mouth and he saw a flustered Lucifer in front of him, he looked like a fucking masochist right now guys.

"Thanks for the meal my deer~" Alastor said as he chuckled.

"Of course Al.... I don't mind...." Lucifer said as he snuggled close to Alastor, he of course snuggled back with his short king.

As for Eve and Adam, they were spending time together like they used to, Adam was happy to be with her again, he didn't care if he had fallen or not, he was just glad to be with her again. As for Roo, she was dead and was never heard from again since that day.

Barbara eventually started living at the hotel and spent time with her mother Margaret, Charles eventually came, even though he didn't believe in redemption for himself but he was going to try in order to see his silly lover once again, William, since he was in heaven.

God, Charlie, and Lucifer's brothers all went down to visit Lucifer at times, even playing with little Allen as he was a very playful child.  Everyone was happy while there was Sera, who was just wandering around hell, helpless, hopeless, and not sure what to do ever since God made her fall.

Ricardo and Angelo moved out of Paul's place, not wanting to live with a fucking hypocrite homophobe, they didn't like how Paul told Ricardo and Angelo that they shouldn't be gay while Paul was being so very gay with Alastor's fucking dad, jeez what a fucking hypocrite, am I right?

Everything was actually peaceful and happy ever since! Nothing bad was happening! Eventually Husk and Angel Dust got redeemed together and went to heaven!

The end!

Yay! Finally finished with this book! Now I can be done with this and don't have to worry about it anymore! Woo! One book is down finally! Aaaa! Hopefully you enjoyed this book while it lasted! Also I only wrote this last chapter down only to ease my nerves about what happened earlier... Not saying to you guys since it's a private matter, only those who knows in a specific discord server would know obviously. Sorry but I'm not saying what it is, I just wanted to say that I wrote this last chapter to ease down my nerves for now.

Now eat up this final chapter! :3

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