Chapter 8

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It has been a couple weeks since Charlie woke up from her coma, she was trying to get used to everyone but couldn't especially with Niffty since now she doesn't want to go near her ever since she stabbed her.

Alastor was planning something for Lucifer as he was thinking about an idea, Angel then noticed him as he gave a look.

"Sooo the princess over here said something when she was drunk saying that she saw a little box you had? Hmmm?" Angel dust said as he snickered.

"Haha! That's none of your concern!" Alastor said as he got up to go find his good friend Margaret, wherever she was at that is. He would ask Rosie but she said she may have a busy day today, there was also Mimzy, but she may not want to talk to him at the moment. So Margaret was his only option and since she was married, despite her having a failed marriage, she would know some ideas.

So throughout the pride ring he began to search for Margaret in hopes to find her. He looked everywhere then he eventually settled by an abandoned house at the other end of the Pride Ring, he sighs as he knocks on the door as he hopes that she might be here. Someone peeked just from opening the door a little and immediately recognized Alastor.

"Huh..? Alastor..?!" A female voice was heard as Alastor was relieved to recognize her voice, which was Margaret.

"Hello my dear friend! It's lovely to finally see you again!" Alastor said as he smiled.

"What brings you here Al...?" Margaret asked as she looked around, still hidden, and was even to make sure there were no like cameras around, since she knows that Ricardo would ask another overlord like Vox to keep an eye on her.

"Well I need some advice my dear...." Alastor said, as he was awkward about it.

"Sure! Of course, what is it?" Margaret asked him as she was still hiding in the shadows just in case, if they were being watched or not.

"Well.... Do you uh... Have any proposal ideas?" Alastor asked nervously.

"Oh my Alastor.... You actually found someone to love...?" Margaret said, she was saddened but she was proud of him for finding someone who he could finally love.

"Yes... So do you have any idea for a proposal?" 

"Hmm.... maybe a little picnic, someplace nice in the Pride Ring and proposed underneath the red sunset?" Margaret than suggested. 

"Hmm... That's a good idea my dear! Also, you are always welcomed to come by the Hazbin Hotel if you want! So you don't have to be here by yourself, y'know my dear?" Alastor said as he smiled.

"I.. I don't know... I'll think about it..." Margaret said as she was worried she was going to get caught  

"Alright my dear, see you soon my friend" Alastor said with a genuine smile before walking off back to the hotel.

Once he got back, he immediately hugged Lucifer from behind as Lucifer was making some pancakes for everyone.

"Hm? Hello there Al!" Lucifer said as he smiled sweetly as he flipped his pancakes.

"Luci.... After you're done, get ready, I got something to show you later~" Alastor said as he kissed Lucifer's head.

"Of course Al!" Lucifer said, as he was curious about what he was going to show him later.

To be continued!

Sorry that it's short! Enjoy and eat it up!

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Where stories live. Discover now