Chapter 13

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Lucifer went flying away as he noticed Eve walking out of the hotel, Roo left her back at the hotel, Eve just watched Lucifer leave not saying anything. As she walked back into the hotel and immediately saw Angel but he looked fallen, she didn't wanna believe he was here since he was in heaven.... She closes her eyes thinking this was a dream, Adam then noticed Eve as he went up to her and was in front of her face.

"Eve...? Is that you..?" Adam said as he did miss her, sure Lilith got to him, but his heart would still love the one who was made from his ribs.

"Adam..? No this can't be you..... You have to be in heaven..!" Eve said as she was finding this hard to believe that Adam was here. "Eve..! It's me..!" Adam said as he held Eve's hands as he kissed them. "I missed you.... I just wished I was the one who bit the apple.... Not you..." Adam said as he looks away a bit saddened, even guilt in his eyes.

"It's not your fault Adam..... I'm the one who bit the apple not you.... If it wasn't for Lucifer to convince me otherwise...." Eve said as she was still holding a grudge against Lucifer for that. "I should have been there for you Eve.... No matter what you are still my first wife.... And you will always be in my heart, no one else can ever replace you.... Even if they try to romance me in every way possible.... You are still number one...." Adam said as he hugs Eve and tears up. Eve ended up tearing up as she hugged Adam as she was in tears.

"Oh god.... Adam..... I... I did something bad.... Not for Lucifer but for someone else...." Eve said as she remembered Roo taking Alastor away. "Yes Eve?" Adam looked at her worried a bit. ".... I was chained to someone, even the Radio Demon.... Who is also on the same chain as mine.... Meaning our souls are owned by the same person.... And I let her take Alastor away as long as she releases my soul...." Eve then admitted to Adam as she looked away. Adam looked at her with pity, he sighs as he hugs her, sure he was disappointed to hear Eve would do that but that wouldn't stop him from loving her.

"So is that the reason why Lucifer flew out there..?" Adam said as he looked at Eve. "Yeah... Probably.... My guess is that Alastor wrote some letter and left it behind somehow...." Eve said as she looked away. "Should we go help them...-?" Adam said as Eve shook her head. "No.... Roo is literally the Root of all evil..... And I don't want to have to face her again.... Besides I'm sure Lucifer is stronger than her, he was the past archangel anyways even though I dislike him" Eve said as she sighed.


As Lucifer was soaring through the skies, he was looking for Alastor everywhere as he was concerned for his husband.

Meanwhile with Alastor, he was still chained up, as the green chain pulled on him, Alastor was covered in bruises, blood, and opened wounds that were made from an angelic knife.

"You think you could just disobey me?! You are an UNGRATEFUL bitch! Oh I wonder how your mother would react to such a disobedient mother...! Also hm.... Did you visit her when you went to heaven...? How was it?" Roo said with a crooked smile on her face.

"... Don't talk about my mother.....!" Alastor said as he snarled at Roo. "Why shouldn't I...? Mama's boy?" Roo said as she laughed before cutting Alastor's cheek as Alastor was in pain but he didn't want to show it. Then as Roo was about to harm him again, Lucifer then burst in the place as he noticed Alastor, he then kicked Roo to a wall. Lucifer then saw Alastor all bloodied up as he quickly went up to him with a worried expression on his face.

"Al! Are you ok?!" Lucifer said, as he got worried about his husband. "Of course I am now since you are here~" Alastor said as he was still fucking bleeding. "Al...! You're injured...!" Lucifer said to him all worried. "But an angel is right in front of me... So I'm feeling better~" Alastor said as he continues to flirt.

Lucifer sighs as he was about to heal him until Roo threw an angelic knife towards him which Lucifer out of defense for Alastor, he blocked Alastor with his wings as the knife stabs his wing which made Lucifer groan in pain.

"Stay away from my pet! King of Hell!" Roo said as she was angry. "Ha... Your pet?! THAT'S MY HUSBAND!" Lucifer said as he faces Roo as he made the contract between Roo and Alastor appear in his hand. "And he will no longer be your pet!" As Lucifer said this, he immediately burned the contract as Roo glared at him angrily.

Roo immediately ran towards Lucifer as she began to fight with him, as they fought, Lucifer did get beaten up quite a bit, but when she was about to go to Alastor, he then flew towards her despite his wing still hurting from the knife, he then started beating the hell out of her before he made a fireball and blasted Roo Ms he made her burn with his hellfire. (Don't worry he was facing away from Alastor while doing so)

Lucifer then went to Alastor as he quickly picked him up and flew back to the hotel so he could heal him there.


Once they were back at the hotel, Lucifer healed him as he hugged him still in tears. Then he took a deep breath to ask Alastor something....

"Al.... Who is this friend that you sent Allen to?" Lucifer then asked him.

"My dear friend Margaret.... Trust me, she had taken care of her children in the past so she knows how to take care of Allen..." Alastor reassured Lucifer as he gave him a genuine smile, not his usual everyday smile.

"Well I'm glad he is safe.... But we should go get him back now since you are safe now...." Lucifer said as he left with Alastor.


As Margaret was heading towards Cannibal Town with little Allen in her arms, Ricardo then found her and immediately put her in a black chain as he pulled her towards him.

"You fucking slut! Where have you been bitch?! You need to come you fucking whore!" Ricardo said as he growled at her like a fucking wolf, Angelo was right by him. Then Allen heard Ricardo yell as he started to cry. Margaret immediately went to his care, trying to ignore Ricardo at the same time.

"Oh you fucking slut! You had a kid?!" Ricardo said as he yelled at her. "Shhh! Besides I am watching this kid for a friend for your information! Watch your language as well!" Margaret scolded Ricardo. Then the furry slapped Margaret in her face as he grabbed Allen and gave him to Angelo while Ricardo started dragging Margaret to Paul's house.

Once he arrived, he told Angelo to take Allen to his room as he saw Paul coming out in a robe, messy hair, and he looked like he was kissed by someone which Ricardo didn't think much of, it really.

"Oh you finally found my fucking daughter? About damn time! Now I know that you aren't gay since you are still with your wife!" Paul said with his hypocrite ass. "Dad, shut the hell up.... Me and Ricardo are not together! He made my life hell and you don't give a shit!" Margaret then confronted Paul, her father. Paul got angry as he went towards her and slapped her face.

"Shut up you bitch! You don't get to talk back to me!" Paul said as he got up to Margaret's face all pissed off and Margaret noticed some kiss marks over his face which was odd to her.

"Dad.... Are you in a relationship with someone?" Margaret said as she just gave him a bored expression.

".... Ha! No I'm not! Now go to your room with Ricardo you bitch!" Paul said as she threw her to Ricardo before going back to his room.

Angelo in the meantime was just looking at Allen, wondering who the hell could this child be since it sure didn't look like Margaret and she couldn't give birth anymore due to being in the afterlife, Angelo just frog blinks at Allen as Allen even frog blinks back at him.

"Who are your parents? And how the hell do I even take care of this kid??" Angelo said as he never really watched his niece and nephew before since Ricardo kept Angelo to himself back when they were alive.

To be continued!!

I was able to post this chapter, so you guys could enjoy a little something! Also sorry for not updating much lately, just don't expect me to update all of my books just yet alright? Mainly cause I'm busy!

Now eat up this for now at least!

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Where stories live. Discover now