Chapter 12

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After Lucifer explained to God how he was doing in hell over the years, even told him that he and Alastor are now married and have their son Allen just recently. God was in awe with his son as he was tearing up with joy as he hugged Lucifer his son.

"I'm glad that you are happy now.... After all these years.... So Lilith didn't go with you...?" God said as he was disappointed with her since she was supposed to be Lucifer's room. "No, she just watched me fall while holding Charlie...." Lucifer said, as he didn't want to remember that anymore. "I see... Well I'm glad you were able to find someone else.... Even though it's a sinner...." God said as he smiled at Alastor for being there for Lucifer. Alastor just smiled nervously as he knew this was his father in law, who was literally God himself.

Lucifer tears up as God his own father still accepted him as he hugs him still in tears. "It's ok Luci.... Anyways, I'm going to spoil my grandson a lot for these years!" God said as he looked at little Allen since Lilith never told him about Charlie.

"Wait, did you ever get the chance to spoil Charlie?" Lucifer asked, confused. "No, Lilith never told me about a granddaughter..... Did I really miss out on meeting my granddaughter?!" God said as he was saddened by the fact. "Of course she didn't tell you....." Lucifer said as he sighs, not even surprised she wouldn't tell God.

"Wow... I really did miss a lot, didn't I?" God said as his smile was more of a sad smile. "I guess so.... I assumed Sera would have told you about my fall.... I assumed that I was a disappointment to you afterwards...." Lucifer then looked away as he remembers he thought about that horrible thought.

"My boy.... You could never disappoint me.... Sure what you did was bad.... But I could never hate you for that...." God said as he decided to give Lucifer another hug for comfort. Lucifer couldn't help but tear up as he hugs his father, he was happy to hear that coming from his father, which made him relieved.

So after talking with God, he promised to Lucifer that he will come and visit him in hell since Lucifer decided to stay because of Alastor, Lucifer even told God to let Charlie live back in heaven with Vaggie so the two could still be with each other like before. Charlie did promise her dad that she'll visit him when she can or when God does.

And like that, they all went back home as Alastor was holding Allen along with Lucifer by his side.


Once everyone else was home, that's when they realized that Adam was somewhere in hell... Probably lost and confused so Lucifer decided to go look for him.

"Al... I'm going to go look for Adam..... Watch Allen in the meantime...." Lucifer said as he gave Alastor a kiss before flying off. Alastor then looks at his little fawn as he sits down on a chair and now wonders what he should do with his little fawn now. Then he got an idea to call Margaret over since she was a mother to two, William and Barbara.

But just as he was about to call Margaret from his radio cane, a green chain was around his neck as he was pulled back, he held little Allen very carefully as he quickly thought of something to protect Allen as he then teleported little Allen to Margaret to watch him, he just didn't want Roo to try and hurt his little fawn.

"Hello Alastor.... How lovely it is to see you again...." Roo said as she chuckled, Eve then walked into the room. "What do you want?" Alastor said as he was annoyed. "Since Eve managed to fail..... I think I will order you to break up with the King of Hell!~" Roo said as she smiled evilly. "You can't make me do so!" Alastor said as he growled at Roo. "Ah-ah..... Did you forgot who owns you?" Roo said as she pulled Alastor closer to her. "Do I look like I give a fuck?" Alastor said with attitude just before Roo yeets Alastor to the fucking wall. (ROO, WHAT DID THE WALL DO TO YOU??)

"You don't get to talk back to me!" Roo said as she yelled at Alastor. "What? You mad that I pulled the King of Hell while you pulled nobody?" Alastor said with no regrets whatsoever. "Do you want me to end you?!" Roo said as she got angry over how Alastor was treating her. "I won't betray the man I love for you.... Ever..." Alastor said as he snarled at Roo. "Pathetic...." Roo said as she then teleported herself away along with Alastor, she was even determined to find little Allen and kill him.


Meanwhile at Margaret's place she was holding little Allen a bit confused by how he got here, but that's when she noticed the deer ears and saw how he kinda looked like Alastor, so she guessed that it might as well be Alastor's child. She then got worried if Alastor was ok or not..... That's when Allen started to cry as her motherly instincts took notice and quickly had her full focus on Allen.

"Hey... It's alright....." Margaret said as she rocked little Allen, she then looked around to see if there was anything to feed a baby... Which was none so she had no choice but to leave in hopes of Ricardo not finding her.

So Margaret carried little Allen as she headed towards Cannibal Town in hopes Rosie might have something for Allen, if not then she may have to go to town even though it may be risky.


Lucifer on the other hand was searching for Adam since Sera made him fall, he didn't care about Sera's fall since she deserved it but Adam basically sacrificed his eternity for heaven for Emily to stay and knew that he needed to make sure he was safe from any overlord or demon.

For what seems like forever, he eventually found Adam hiding from everyone, Lucifer then went to him and decided to help him up as a friend as he left back to the hotel now. Lucifer told Adam to make himself at home as he went to his own room that he and Alastor shared and noticed that Alastor wasn't here, so was Allen but then he saw a small note Alastor had hidden away from Roo, Lucifer then grabs it as he read it quickly.

Lucifer then got worried for Alastor and Allen, but after reading where Alastor teleported Allen to a good friend who had experience with children even babies, made Lucifer relieved to hear that. But, he wanted to go save Alastor from the person who kidnapped him.

Lucifer got angry as he was now in his full demon form as he flew off to go find Alastor, one thing for sure.... He believes that Allen is safe from the person who kidnapped Alastor.... If Alastor trusted this friend of his, so would he as well.

Now he was on his way to find Alastor.....

Will Alastor be ok...?

To be continued!!!

Sorry for the late chapter, updates may be slower than usual due to finals coming up so don't expect an update that quick! Be patient everyone please!

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