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Hyunjin's pov (3rd person) :

How could someone, especially Hyunjin, dare to disobey the command, that was peppered with extra danger disguised as a fierce glare? He didn't wish to ruin the pleasantness of the following morning and moreover, all his courage to argue with Yeji was gone for a picnic.

As a result, he abided by the not so appealing order given by his haven, who had face timed him this morning for the same purpose. He was instructed to stay home the entire day and take the best medicine in the world; rest.

'You need a break'

'Its time to spare a look at your well being'

'Don't you bother about the classes and notes for today'

'Take care of yourself and you'll feel better in no time'

'You seem sleep deprived'

'Hence, get some today.. and try not to stress yourself much'

'Call if ya need anything. We are always here for you'

That's what each of his friends spoke once he obstinately whined like a child about attending the important dance class, and lectures too perhaps, by sneaking out without the knowledge of his sister. However, they all favoured Yeji in this case and he couldn't even call them as traitors after listening to Seungmin's ending words. The words that filled warmth in his heart.

Bidding their farewells, the rest boys left for their respective homes, sparing Hyunjin with something he was in extreme need of; time.

Free time. He had been wanting some since ever in order to pay attention to his loads of untouched tasks. One of them and the most time consuming too was reading those hidden-under-the-bed, piled up stacks of 7000 unopened postcards. It even sounded so enormous to him, but he finally had gotten the perfect opportunity to read them without any interference and he had let go the thought of letting go his work and relax as told.

As horrible as the idea of reading and writing physical letters in 21st century sounds, Hyunjin literally didn't have any other preference for achieving his objective since he was well aware of the fact that majority of his followers would have gone for the sweet technique of cut-copy-paste if he had used the online method. Albeit he was equally skeptical of the authenticity of the tangible write ups, nevertheless he had no option but to have faith in his followers.

Thus here he was, sitting on the bed, encircled by nothing but papers, that seemed to be waiting expectantly for him to take an action, which he disliked as much as eating eggplants; reading.

Groaning in annoyance, he began to undo a letter with the label : Follower Number 1.


Dear Sam,

Though I'm not much great of a writer, yet I'd like to share my feelings via this letter.

Firstly, I like you a lot. There are truly many reasons and prime of them being your dance choreographies. I've never seen someone so dedicated towards their passion, someone so gracefully executing their skills, someone so talented.

Secondly, if we end up in a relationship, then I'd be the luckiest girl in the world. My parents always wish to see me with an ideal man, and I can't find a better option. The result will be - you happy, me happier, my parents happiest.

Please consider my feelings once and decide accordingly.



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