One last chance | Charles Leclerc

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Summary: Y/N and Charles go through a breakup. Will their love overpower their differences?

Y/N sat alone on the couch, her heart heavy with disappointment and hurt. It was supposed to be her special day, her birthday, but everything had gone wrong. Charles, her boyfriend, had failed to show up at her office promotion party, leaving her feeling abandoned and embarrassed in front of her colleagues. She had tried calling him repeatedly and sending texts but received no response. The weight of loneliness pressed down on her as she watched others celebrate with their partners, leaving her feeling isolated and small.

Finally giving up on the party, Y/N returned home, hoping to find Charles at the table for their planned dinner. He was nowhere to be found. But as the hours ticked by and he still didn't arrive, her disappointment turned into anguish. It was clear he had forgotten her birthday entirely. With a heavy heart, she drifted off to sleep on the couch, tears staining her cheeks.

In the early hours of the morning, she was jolted awake by the sound of the door unlocking. Groggy and disoriented, she checked the wall clock to find it was 3 am. Charles stumbled in, oblivious to her distress, and casually mentioned he had been out with friends, enjoying dinner and bowling. His nonchalant attitude grated on her raw emotions, and she couldn't hold back her pain any longer.

"It was my birthday, Charles," she choked out, her voice trembling with hurt. "I was counting on you, and you weren't there. I felt like a fool, making excuses for your absence while everyone else had their partners by their side. You knew I always had no one to share my achievements with; my parents never had time, Charles; they always made excuses. You knew everything. You promised to protect me, but you're the one hurting me the most."

Charles, caught off guard by her outburst, attempted to downplay the situation, brushing off her feelings as an overreaction. But Y/N couldn't contain her anguish any longer. The realization that Charles didn't understand her pain pierced her heart, leaving her feeling more alone than ever. He promised that they would go on a date on the weekend.

"You think a date can fix this?" she demanded, her voice cracking with emotion. "You weren't there when I needed you. Do you even love me, Charles? Because right now, I don't feel an ounce of love from you."

In a fit of frustration, Charles lashed out, hurling hurtful words at Y/N and threatening to end their relationship if she continued to be annoying and emotional. His callousness shattered what little remained of Y/N's hope, and with a heavy heart, she made the painful decision to end things. To cover his inner turmoil, Charles told her not to disturb him while she was leaving and made his way towards the gaming room.

As Charles retreated to his gaming room, drowning his guilt and sorrow in distraction, Y/N packed her belongings, preparing to leave the home they once shared. With each item she placed in her suitcase, she felt the weight of their failed relationship bearing down on her. She left behind the promise ring Charles had given her, along with her set of house keys, a silent testament to the end of their love.

The next moment Charles opened his eyes, it was 11 am in the morning. He rubbed his eyes, wondering why Y/N hadn't woken him up yet. As he made his way towards the room, a sinking feeling settled in his chest. It was then that he noticed Y/N's absence, the realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. Despite the ache in his heart, he shrugged it off, attempting to push aside the pain as he walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, his eyes fell upon Y/N's set of house keys and the promise ring she had left behind. The sight sent a jolt through him, the gravity of the situation finally sinking in. He knew then that she had left him, and there was no going back. With a heavy sigh, he ran a hand through his hair, grappling with the emptiness that consumed him.

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