Bad Father | Lewis Hamilton

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Summary: Lewis regrets leaving his daughter alone, and Y/N calms him down.

Lewis sat on the edge of the bed, his 8-month-old daughter cradled in his arms. Y/N had handed her over to him just moments ago, trusting him to lull her to sleep. With gentle sways and soft whispers, he coaxed her into slumber, his heart swelling with love. Lewis was finally home after races; moments like these made every struggle worthwhile. He had his girls counting on him.

Carefully, he arranged the baby on the bed, ensuring she was nestled safely among the pillows. He made his way to the couch and continued to watch TV. After a while, he heard his phone ringing. As he made his way to the kitchen to answer the persistent ringing of his phone, a sudden cry pierced the air. Panic seized him, and he rushed back to the room, his heart pounding in his chest.

There, on the floor, lay their daughter, tears streaming down her tiny face. Lewis scooped her up, checking her for any signs of injury, his own eyes moist with fear and guilt. Y/N entered the room in a flurry; her worry etched on her face as she witnessed the scene before her.

"We need to go to the hospital," Lewis declared, his voice trembling with emotion. They hurried to the car without hesitation, their minds racing, worried about their little daughter.

In the emergency room, the doctors assured them that their daughter was unharmed, the tears of relief streaming down Lewis's face as he held her close. Back at home, Y/N took charge, feeding and washing their daughter with tender care while Lewis stood by, his gaze fixed on the tiny bundle in her arms. He was hesitant to touch her, afraid he would fail her again.

As their daughter drifted off to sleep, Y/N guided Lewis to the couch, her touch a comforting anchor in his storm of guilt and self-blame. "It's not your fault," she whispered, a soothing balm to his wounded soul.

But Lewis couldn't shake the feeling of failure that gripped him. "I hurt her," he confessed, his voice choked with emotion. "I promised to protect her, and I couldn't keep her safe. I couldn't even do a basic thing, Y/N. I hate myself for leaving her."

Y/N's gaze softened with understanding as she reassured him of his worth as a father. "Mistakes happen," she reminded him gently. "Our daughter knows how much you love her, which matters most, Lewis."

Drawing him closer to the crib, she watched as Lewis tentatively reached out to touch their daughter's cheek, a small smile gracing her lips even in sleep. At that moment, he felt a surge of love and determination wash over him.

With newfound resolve, Lewis lifted their daughter into his arms, her joyful babbling filling the room with warmth and light. As he held her close, he felt a profound sense of gratitude for the precious gift of fatherhood.

Turning to Y/N, he met her gaze with tears of gratitude shining in his eyes. "I love you," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

Y/N smiled back, her own eyes shimmering with unspoken love and understanding. In that tender moment, they knew that together, they could weather any storm, and their bond as parents and partners was stronger than ever before. And as their daughter slept peacefully in his arms, Lewis vowed to cherish every moment, grateful for everything. 

A/N: I know it was short and not the best one I could come up with. Please do leave feedback and vote in case you liked the shorts so far. 

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