Trophy Room (18+) | Max Verstappen

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A/N: Let's assume Max won the 2020 Monaco GP. I know it didn't happen due to COVID, but still, for the plot, let's go with it.

Y/N was sitting on the couch while waiting for the start of the Monaco Grand Prix. Due to ongoing Covid, she wasn't able to attend the GP despite living in Monaco. FIA was strict about following rules, so Max's biggest supporter wasn't at his garage. That didn't stop Y/N from wearing Max's Redbull merch and cheering for him.

Max was tense about the atmosphere in the garage. He was quarantined for the past week and wasn't able to see Y/N despite living 10 minutes away from the home. Today will be the last race before everyone departs to their home due to the growing COVID-19 virus. All he wanted to do was bury himself in Y/N's chest.

Noticing Max's mood in the Pre-race interview, Y/N thought of doing something that would cheer him up. She sent him a selfie of her in his T-shirt along with the message, "I'm waiting for you; bring back the trophy home, baby!". Max was in his motorhome when his mobile pinged. He saw Y/N's text and picture. He could see her perking nipples, and that didn't settle well with Max. He groaned to himself and texted back, "Oh, I'm gonna win this trophy, and when I return, I'll be fucking you in the trophy room." Y/N blushed and got turned on while reading the text.

Who was this Max Verstappen? What happened to the kind and romantic guy? Y/N got scared by the mere thought of his doings to her. Max was soon called as the race was about to start; hence, he replied, "The race is starting. I'll see you soon, love, and don't remove the T-shirt." Y/N giggled to herself and replied with an 'I love you' and continued to watch the race.

Despite the havoc of the race it has been, Max somehow won the 2020 Monaco Grand Prix, and he was called to the podium. All Y/N could think was what Max would do when he arrived home. Max got done with interviews as fast as he could and started driving to his home. Y/N could hear the door ring, and she started walking towards the door nervously and excitedly.

As Y/N opened the door, she was engulfed in his arms. Max dropped his trophy to hold his most precious trophy. And as he broke the hug, he started kissing her lips, and Y/N would be damned if she didn't kiss him back with the same passion. He started deepening the kiss, making Y/N moan. As much as she wanted Max, she didn't want to traumatize her neighbors with their steamy romance. So, she broke the kiss and started dragging Max inside.

Max started walking in and dropped all the luggage on the floor. He stared at Y/N, and Y/N could see the black in his eyes. Nothing was going to save her, and all she hoped was that. Max started walking towards Y/N while removing his shirt; Y/N started walking backward. It continued till Y/N hit the wall. She now knew there was no escaping from this storm named Max Verstappen.

Max caged her with his arms and started making out with her. He parted her legs and pushed himself into her. Y/N started moaning into his mouth as she could feel his hard groin. Max withdrew his lips from hers and started making his way towards her neck. Oh, how pale her neck was. He had the animalistic urge to mark her and show everyone to whom she belonged. Max started kissing and sucking Y/N's neck; he could see the marks forming and smirked to himself. All Y/N could do was moan and hold him. Max placed his mouth near her ear and sucked on it, and told her to jump.

Y/N did as Max instructed. He could feel nothing beneath under her T-shirt. His hand started making its way towards her vagina while he placed his mouth on her clothed nipples. All Y/N could do was moan and hiss when he sucked harshly on her nipples. Max toyed with her, he knew the right spots that would make her cum in an instant, but he wanted to make her pay for her previous actions.

He slowly started rubbing her pussy, not too fast as per Y/N's liking. Y/N groaned, "Faster, Faster!", Max removed his mouth from her nipples and asked her innocently, " Be clear, Y/N. I don't know what you're talking about." Y/N groaned and begged him to make her cum. That's all Max needed to unleash the beast inside him. He directly inserted 2 fingers into her hole and started moving them fast. Due to the sudden force, Y/N hissed at his force. Max started sucking on her neck while his other hand pleasured Y/N. Y/N knew she couldn't take any longer and came on his fingers.

Max took his fingers and sucked on them all while staring into her eyes. Y/N was flustered by Max's actions; Max didn't want to wait any longer. He locked both her arms above her head and tied them using his belt. He removed the rest of the clothing he was in and slammed into Y/N with a passion. Y/N gasped at the contact. Max wasn't making love to her, he was fucking her senseless. He started ramming into her; all Y/N could do was moan and scream. Max stopped sucking on her nipples and made his way towards her lips. His tongue entered her mouth, and as Y/N was about to come, he stopped moving and removed himself from her.

Y/N's mind was so clouded in lust that it took seconds for her to register what had just happened. She looked into Max's eyes and was on the verge of tears. Without removing himself from her, Max started walking towards his trophy room. He removed his T-shirt she was wearing to see her glory. He slapped her bare ass while Y/N hissed in pain. Max placed Y/N on the wind tunnel tyre he won for pole position and started ramming into her. Y/N started screaming, "More, More! I need more, Max."

Max started moving so fast that Y/N knew she would come undone in seconds, and all it took was a few seconds for Y/N to come down. As she came undone, Max removed himself, untied Y/N, and started licking her pussy. He drank her cum like a wild animal. Y/N held tight onto his hair while her legs were shaking violently. Y/N came undone for the second time, but Max hasn't been done yet.

He removed her from the tyre and placed her on all fours. He played with her asshole while his other hand played with her boobs and nipples. He latched himself on her neck, kissing and sucking. Y/N was shaking violently. She knew she would pass out soon if Max continued with the same passion. Max withdrew his fingers and rammed his shaft into her hole. At this point, Y/N was screaming and crying while Max was pleasuring her.

Max knew he was about to come and whispered into Y/N's ears, "Common baby, one last time. Let's come together." As they were reaching their high, Max was whispering all the dirty things that he knew would make her come undone. Y/N started shaking violently, and she had no energy left in her, even to gasp. After a few seconds, Y/N could feel that Max had come inside her.

As he removed himself, he was groaning. It took him a few seconds to breathe. He started carrying Y/N to their bedroom. He placed Y/N on the bed and got a wet cloth to clean her. Y/N was grateful for Max as she had no energy. Max whispered, "Sorry if I was too rough.", all Y/N could do was open her arms. Max hugged her and placed a tender kiss on her lips. Max went to the washroom and cleaned himself, and when he came back, he could see that Y/N had already passed out.

He smiled to himself and as he got into bed, he grabbed her onto him and hugged her. He whispered, "I love you, Y/N. I'm grateful to have you. You're my home." He could see the smile dancing on Y/N's face, but he didn't realize when he drifted into slumber.

A/N: It is my first time writing smut; let me know what y'all think. In case you liked the stories so far, please do vote and share. Adios, People.

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