Little Things | Lando Norris

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Lando and Y/N were cleaning the house as Christmas was approaching. As they were tidying up the rooms, Lando stumbled upon a diary. Weird, he thought to himself, as he didn't remember having one. He called Y/N, and as she entered the room, she saw the book in Lando's hands and started rushing toward him.

Lando kept it out of her reach and asked, "What secrets are you hiding from me, sweetheart?""Give it back, Lando. I wrote things in it when we were apart. There are no secrets. Give it to me," she pleaded.

"Oh! Then I should see what you wrote, Y/N," Lando replied with a cheeky grin.

"Fine, whatever. I've got stuff to pack before everyone arrives," Y/N said, departing from the room.

Lando started flipping through the pages and began to read.

Day 73

Dear Diary,

I finally met Lando today after texting him for the past few months. He got me a bouquet of lilies. Can you believe it? The moment I saw his face and those dimples, I melted. The moment our fingers brushed, I could feel the sparks flying. I've always read about those things in books and movies and thought they were exaggerations, but God, how wrong I was. And when he called me sweetheart, I felt a whole zoo inside my stomach. How can someone be so sweet and perfect?

Day 113

Dear Diary,

Gosh, something embarrassing happened today. We were cuddling and watching a movie at Lando's place. Lando was asleep in my arms when I felt something weird in my tummy. When I checked, my pants were stained. My period had started. I rushed to remove and change the sheets, feeling mortified. Lando woke up and saw the blood stains, looking confused. I wanted to bury myself. I was sure he would hate me for spoiling his sheets. I held back my tears and saw his face. He left me in the middle of the room and went to his walk-in closet, returning with boxers, a t-shirt, a towel, and a packet of sanitary napkins. He handed them to me and took me to the bathroom.

He kissed my forehead and told me to take a shower while he changed the sheets. I was relieved and grateful for his kind actions. I took a shower, and when I returned, he took the dirty clothes from my hands and put them in the washing machine. He came back with two cups of hot chocolate and handed me one. I sat awkwardly on the bed, but Lando dragged me back, not liking the distance between us. He told me it was alright and that there was nothing to be embarrassed about, then kissed me. I swear, I've never met such a kind guy. And the best part is, he likes me back.

Day 200

Dear Diary,

Lando asked me to the FIA Drivers' party. I was about to slip into my shoes when the doorbell rang. I rushed to open the door, and there he was, looking perfect in a black suit. He smirked when he saw me checking him out. He hugged me and came inside. I went to the bedroom to get my purse while Lando sat on the sofa in the living room.

I stored the leftover food in the refrigerator and dumped the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. When I returned, I was about to slip into my heels when Lando took them from my hands. He knelt down, placed my feet on his knee, and strapped the heels on for me, smiling at me as I blushed.God, this man knows how to make me weak. He stood up and whispered in my ear, "You look ravishing, baby." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and my heart leaping. I kissed his cheek and dragged him out before things could escalate. Holy God, I've fallen for this guy.

Day 265

Dear Diary,

Lando told me he loved me. Can you believe it? All my life, I thought nobody would ever love me, but here's this sweet guy proving me wrong. Lando was tracing the freckles on my face , when he suddenly cupped my cheeks in his palms and told me the words I always wanted to hear. At that moment, I felt infinite. I kissed him back, and soon that turned into something more. Can you believe that Lando fucking Norris loves me? I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

Day 1300

Dear Diary,

It's been a long time since I wrote. Lando is the best husband and father. Our daughter has him wrapped around her little finger.

As I'm writing this, he's brushing her hair with his polished fingers and watching Frozen for the umpteenth time. There is nothing Lando wouldn't do for her. The man who races in fast cars is now afraid of her tears. I wish I could live this life in every lifetime.

Lando closed the book and walked toward Y/N, who was wrapping presents. He hugged her from behind and kissed her shoulder. Lando realized how lucky he was to have Y/N in his life. She always knew the right thing to say, and having his wife in his arms made him feel complete. As Lando was immersed in his thoughts, Y/N kissed him, grateful for him and all the little things he did.

A/N: I've tried something new. Let me know your opinion on it. And please do vote and share in case you've liked the shorts so far. Love y'all

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