Baby Shower | Lando Norris

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Summary: Y/N and Lando are the exact opposites; as they plan a baby shower, fate takes matters into its hands and seals them forever.

Y/N sighed as she looked over the list of tasks for the upcoming baby shower. Her sister was expecting, and Y/N had to throw the baby shower for her sister and Carlos. Something even worse was she was paired up with the infamous Lando Norris to organize the baby shower.

Y/N continued to stare at the list in her hand, her brows furrowing in frustration. "We need to figure out the decorations for the baby shower, Norris. Any ideas?"

Lando rolled his eyes, leaning against the table. "Why are you always so uptight, Y/N? Can't we go with the flow?"

Y/N huffed, crossing her arms. "Because, Norris, someone has to make sure things actually get done around here. We can't just leave everything to chance."

Lando chuckled. "Oh, come on, Y/N. You act like the world will end if everything isn't perfect."

"Maybe not the world, but my sister's baby shower might as well be," Y/N retorted.

Lando shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "You know, Y/N, sometimes I wonder if you were born with a checklist instead of a brain."

Y/N shot him a glare. "And I wonder if you were born with anything other than empty space between your ears, Norris."

As they continued to bicker back and forth, Lando couldn't help but notice the way Y/N's eyes sparkled with passion, even when she was annoyed. He found himself studying her face, the way her lips formed each word with determination.

Suddenly, he snapped out of his reverie, shaking his head slightly. "Focus, Lando," he muttered to himself.

Finally, after much debate and compromise, they made a plan and decided on the theme, and then they moved on to the next item on their list: ordering food. They rushed to the restaurant to negotiate about the food. They certainly paid attention and finally ordered the food.

Lando pulled out his phone, scrolling through the menu as they walked out of the restaurant. "We need to make sure we have enough food for everyone," he muttered, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Y/N nodded in agreement, her mind already racing ahead to the next task. But suddenly, her attention was drawn to a commotion nearby.

A little girl was crying hysterically, banging on the window of a car parked nearby. Without hesitation, Y/N rushed over, her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to calm the girl, but that fired back, and she wept hysterically.

Lando followed closely behind, his eyes widening as he took in the scene. "What's going on?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Y/N didn't answer; her focus was solely on the distressed child. She grabbed a nearby rock and smashed the window. Lando watched in awe as Y/N climbed into the car, her only concern being the child's safety. After what felt like an eternity, Y/N emerged from the car, the child safe in her arms. Lando rushed to her side, his hands trembling slightly as he helped her to her feet.

Y/N seemed not to care about herself. As Lando held the child, she went to their car and got a water bottle for the little girl; she washed the girl's face and made her drink water; she was cooing her and making her giggle; the sight was too beautiful for Lando.

He saw the hurt in her eyes; the glass pierced the skin on her arm, and yet here she was helping the little girl.

Once the child was safe, the parents arrived, but instead of gratitude, they chastised Y/N for breaking their window. Undeterred, Y/N stood her ground, reminding them of the danger their negligence had posed to the child. And soon, they walked away from the scene. Y/N sighed.

Lando held her hand and walked her towards his car. He made her sit in the front seat and rushed for a first-aid kit. As he tended to her wounds, he couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for Y/N. She was more than just the annoying girl he had always thought her to be. She was strong, brave, and fiercely compassionate.

As they sat in silence, Y/N glanced up at Lando, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thanks, Norris," she said softly. Lando felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of her smile. "Anytime, Y/N," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. And in that moment, something shifted between them. They may have started off as adversaries, but now, they were something more.

As the days passed and they worked together to plan the baby shower, Lando found himself drawn to Y/N in ways he couldn't explain.

And as the day of the baby shower arrived, Lando knew he couldn't hide his feelings any longer. As they sat together, watching the festivities unfold, Lando took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He approached Y/N with a cupcake in his hand. Y/N smiled gratefully at Lando and continued to work on it.

"Y/N," he began, his voice shaky with nerves. "I know this might seem sudden, but.. Wouldyougoonadatewithme?" "Huh, I'm the one eating here, Norris. Talk slowly," she says. He continues, "Will you go out on a date with me?" and stares at his feet.

Y/N blinked in surprise, her eyes widening in shock. "What?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lando felt a surge of panic, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I mean... if you don't want to, that's totally fine. I just... I really like you, Y/N. And I couldn't forgive myself if I didn't at least try. I know you don't -" Lando was cut off as he felt Y/N's lips on his; understanding what it meant, he deepened the kiss.

After a while, they broke their kiss. Lando continued, "I would eat cupcakes this way from now on." Y/N laughed while Lando kissed her nose. Lando couldn't hold back and continued making out with Y/N.

Carlos came out of the house to see what was taking them so long to come inside; he laughed when he caught both arch-nemeses making out on the bench, and he screamed: "Oi, we don't want another baby shower soon, come inside before you eat each other out." Y/N breaks the kiss and hides her face in Lando's neck.

Lando flips off Carlos and kisses Y/N's hair. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of the baby shower, Lando realized that sometimes, unexpected bonds are the strongest of all. And as he held her in his arms, he knew he had found a home in Y/N.

A/N: CarLando has my heart, and it was damn time I added a Lando short. Let me know how it is, and if you're enjoying the story so far, please vote and share. Also, Lando is too damn beautiful in the picture.

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