twenty-three: GOODNIGHT

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After that short walk at the park, Taehyun and Beomgyu finally returned home and judging from the silence, his mom had already slept, leaving Taehyun and Beomgyu the only ones awake before Taehyun's dad would return.

Taehyun offered Beomgyu to take a shower first as he had to clear up the kitchen and put the fruits they bought earlier into the fridge.
Beomgyu nods and complied to the younger's orders (sorta).

An hour or do later, after clearing the kitchen, doing every duty a son should do and taking a shower from the long night, Taehyun finds Beomgyu on the floor of his room, lying down on a futon.

"Oh? Did mom set a futon here?" Taehyun asks since yesterday Beomgyu slept in the guest room but Taehyun knew better that Beomgyu prefers to sleep in the same room as him because y'know...

His ✨insomnia✨ thangz.

Beomgyu nods at the question and before they know it, Taehyun climbs up onto his bed and was about to switch the lamp on his night stand off after turning on his portable night light only to see Beomgyu looking a bit uncomfortable and cold on the futon.

Taehyun sighs, scooching a bit to the side before patting the empty space of the bed.
"G-get up here, hyung." Taehyun offers, unconsciously stuttering after realizing how his sentence is worded.

"Are you inviting me to your bed?" Beomgyu asks.
"You'll get cold there hyung, and it's no different from you sleeping beside me back in our dorm."

"But this is your actual bed. Who knows what I'll do to you." Beomgyu smiles a devilish grin, elbow propped up as he speaks in a teasing tone.
"And for the countless times you've tried. You never did. I trust you hyung, so get up here."

Beomgyu can't hell but smile and abides to the younger's offer. He gets up from the floor and slips under the blanket shared with the blonde.

"Thanks, love." Beomgyu says and Taehyun's face flushes from the sudden nickname.
"D-Dont call me that." Taehyun stutters.

"Why not? It's not like I'm using the word recklessly."
"Just, another name. Not 'love'."

Beomgyu scrunches his nose, his lips pouting as he gives himself some thought. Numerous names start appearing in his mind, asking himself what nickname he should give the younger that they would be the only ones who'd know.

"Butterfly." Beomgyu says and Taehyun shoots up a perplexed expression.
"People call you Taehyunnie, so I'll call you Butterfly." Beomgyu continues.

"You're naming me after an insect??." Taehyun mutters while glaring up at the older, causing Beomgyu to chuckle.
"Well, you act like one, you bug me sometimes."

"Yah!!" Taehyun lightly punches the older on the chest, whining at the sudden call out.
"Kidding~ you bug me in a good way. You're always on my mind."

Taehyun feels his cheeks heat up.
"Still... why butterfly?" Taehyun asks.
"You're that dense?-"

Beomgyu chuckles as he reaches his hands out to play with Taehyun's hair only for the younger to pout and turn himself away, body now facing Beomgyu.

"Did you know butterflies can't see their wings? So they don't know how beautiful they are. You're just like one. You're beautiful, yet you don't know. But that's okay, it's what makes you cute." Beomgyu continues.
Taehyun tugs the blanket further up to his face, shielding himself from showing off the rosy hue growing on his cheeks.

"G-Goodnight, hyung." Taehyun says.
Beomgyu chuckles.

"Goodnight butterfly."


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