twenty-nine: NIGHTMARES

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⚠️ steamy scenes ⚠️

One week.

It's been one week since Taehyun last called Mrs Choi Eunsoo and Mrs Choi Yura to settle a few things.
And right now, his last class had just ended and he promised to meet up with Beomgyu so that they could grab ice cream outside of the university.

"Taehyun-ah!!" Beomgyu exclaims as he waves at the younger who smiles softly at him as he approaches the entrance gate.

"Shall we go?" Beomgyu asks and Taehyun hums.
The two boys then left the university. Since the ice cream parlour isn't far, they didn't have a reason to use Beomgyu's car and so they just walked.

Taehyun followed Beomgyu from behind. Silently, he's been feeling anxious the entire week and of course, Beomgyu notices it but he didn't want to push the younger. He continued to wait for him, hoping that Taehyun would tell him.

He can't read what Taehyun's thinking.
Beomgyu turns his head over his shoulder to see Taehyun, once again looking anxious as he looks around his surroundings.

Beomgyu reaches his hand out to intertwine their fingers only for Taehyun to flinch and shrug Beomgyu's hand away, looking down to his feet, catching Beomgyu off guard.

"Are you okay?" Beomgyu asks, which what felt like nth time this whole week.
"I-I'm okay." Taehyun replies.

Beomgyu bites his lower lip but he doesn't want to question the younger nor argue with him right now. So he continued to look in front and they both walk silently.

While Taehyun on the other hand, feels bad. He's never pushed Beomgyu's hand away, the older only wanted to hold hands and Taehyun wanted it too, but ever since he got the news about people following them and their faces appearing on the unpublished newspaper, he's been more careful.

He doesn't mind if it's all on him, but he can't let Beomgyu's reputation fall any further. He's a future heir after all.

When they finally reached the parlour and ordered their ice creams at the counter, the two boys make their way to a table to take a seat with their cups of ice cream in hand.

Even from the moment they stepped inside, until they were seated at their table, Taehyun kept looking at his surroundings, even if it were girls looking at him, he'd feel conscious, if suddenly some spy silently takes another picture of them again.

"Hey... earth to Taehyun??" Beomgyu calls out while he waves his hand in front of Taehyun's face.
He'd been talking for a while but when he received nothing but silence, only did he realize that Taehyun seemed out of it again and again for the whole week.

"Y-Yeah?? I'm sorry, I zoned out." Taehyun apologizes with a pout.
Beomgyu can't stand it.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Beomgyu asks again, trying to press further.
"Why wouldn't I be? I'm just tired because of the continuous assignments I've been getting." Taehyun says, taking another scoop of his ice cream.

Beomgyu knew Taehyun was lying. They slept side by side every night and Taehyun always completes his homework. What other assignments are incomplete?? If there was, he'd pull on an all nighter.

Taehyun looks up and notices Beomgyu furrowing his eyebrows at him and he started to kind of panic, instantly shifting his gaze away from the latter and abruptly standing up from his chair.

"Sorry, I need to go to the toilet." Taehyun excuses himself and dashed towards the toilet.
It was those kind of one toilet per gender and not the one with stalls.

Taehyun pushes the door open and opens the water tap open as he lets the water run down to his hands.
He sighs.

If Beomgyu had noticed how out he's been the entire week, of course Taehyun himself is aware.
His mind is occupied with everything that's happened last week. But he can't bring himself to tell Beomgyu.

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