twenty-six: NEWSPAPER

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A few months passed.

Because honestly, nothing interesting happened aside from Beomgyu and Taehyun being all lovey dovey and low key. Their three best friends know as of now and Taehyun's still studying with Soeun and working at the bar.

The two boys have gone on dates, of course. And they're always sleeping together, but Taehyun hasn't lost his V-card yet because fortunately, when it comes to the love of his life, Beomgyu wants to be a gentleman but a part of Taehyun secretly wants it, but that'll be a chapter for another day.

Beomgyu opens his eyelids, greeted by the sound of the door opening and when he fully opens and focuses his eyes, he sees his younger boyfriend walk out from the bathroom.

"Do you have plans today?" Beomgyu asks in a groggy voice, still curled up in the blanket on Taehyun's bed.

"I'm going to have dinner with Soobin-hyung and his family-" Taehyun says as he walks over to the bed and Beomgyu pulls him down by the arm and on top of his chest.

"That sounds nice. Wish I'd tag along." Beomgyu says while he glides his fingers through Taehyun's hair with a smile plastered on his face.

"Why don't you?" Taehyun questions back.
"It's called keeping our relationship low key, butterfly."

"Ohh..." Taehyun pouts and Beomgyu chuckles before he kisses the blonde boy's pout away.
Beomgyu continues to stroke the younger's head as Taehyun rests his head on Beomgyu's chest. They both loved it when they're like this, Beomgyu could play with Taehyun's locks while Taehyun feels in peace when he feels Beomgyu's chest rise up and down and how their heart beats are in sync.

"Who knew I'd be dating the guy who once screamed he's straight." Beomgyu chuckles and Taehyun lifts his head to crunch his eyebrows at how random that was.

"That's entirely your fault." Taehyun says before getting off of Beomgyu after looking at the time.
"And I have no regrets." Beomgyu says as he wraps his arms around Taehyun's waist from behind and pecks him on the jaw.

Taehyun giggles and walks out from the room with Beomgyu's arms still wrapped around him. It's always been like this. He never took Beomgyu as someone clingy, but whenever Taehyun leaves the dorm, even if it's simply to go to classes, Beomgyu would give him a back hug until they reach the front door.

And sometimes, Beomgyu would playfully tickle him.
Just like what he's doing now.

"Yah, hyung!! Stop it!!" Taehyun exclaims as he feels Beomgyu's fingers wriggle on his skin, tickling him.
Fits of laughter soon circulate them and Beomgyu laughs along, enjoying how ticklish the younger is. He just loves hearing Taehyun laugh, it's like an instant serotonin boost for him.

But their moment was suddenly interrupted when they heard the click of the door of their dorm and the door suddenly opens.

Taehyun and Beomgyu face the door with eyes wide and the blonde immediately pulls himself away from Beomgyu's grasp as they come face to face-
With Mrs Choi.

Beomgyu's mom shoots the two boys a curious look whilst Beomgyu gives her a cold glare and Taehyun looks down to his feet as the sudden silence and tension start to build up around them.

"You guys seem really close to be just roommates?" Mrs Choi says in a cold tone.
"And you seem to have no manners barging into my dorm whenever you want." Beomgyu snaps back, earning a scoff from his mom.

Taehyun looks up from his feet and the fine hair on his neck instantly rises, shivers run down his spine as his eyes lock with Mrs Choi's intense ones. Nevertheless, he clears his throat, and displays a brave facade.

"Hyung, I'll be leaving now. I've got to meet Soobin-hyung." Taehyun says without sparing a look at the older.

Before the younger leaves, Beomgyu reaches out to grab his wrist and gives him a concerned look in his eyes. But when Taehyun senses Mrs Choi's continuous glaring, he shrugs the older's grip off, sending an apologetic look to Beomgyu before walking past his mom.

"A gold digger aren't you?" Mrs Choi whispers when Taehyun passes by but loud enough for Beomgyu to hear.
"Mom!!" Beomgyu calls out in a furious tone, knuckles balled into fists.

However, Taehyun scoffs and rolls his eyes. He can't let himself be fazed by some minor slander just because he's nothing but a commoner in an arrogant rich person's eyes.

Why does he need to care about one person's opinion when he's got many people who care for him? Especially Beomgyu?

"Think of a better insult ma'am." Taehyun says before leaving the dorm-
And leaving the mother and son alone.


Taehyun finds himself arriving at Soobin's family home about half an hour later.
It's been a while since he last came to visit the family since they were all equally busy, not just himself, but Soobin too.

Now that they had the time, they could finally catch up with one another.
Soobin's family is like Taehyun's second family. His and Soobin's family are as close as best friends as they are but unfortunately Taehyun's family can't join the dinner.

While being served dinner, like any regular dinner, they catched up and the elders would ask how the youngsters have been doing in university and also about their studies, though they won't have much to worry about since both Soobin and Taehyun are incredibly smart.

"Oh, Taehyun-ah..." Soobin's mom calls out, instantly grabbing the blonde boy's attention.
To be honest, Taehyun seemed kinda out of it. With Beomgyu's mom barging on them previously, he really couldn't shake off the bad feeling he's been getting ever since he left the dorm.

A part of him wants to go back and check if something's wrong with Beomgyu but if there was, he's sure the older would've texted him.
So he shrugs it off, although it's low key bothering his thoughts.

"How's roommates with Beomgyu been? Gotten the hang of it?" She asks.
Taehyun, upon hearing the question, accidentally chokes on his food and instantly chug down the water from his cup. Soobin gives him a teasing look at how suddenly flustered Taehyun is.

"H-He's actually really nice when you get to know him. He's annoying, of course. But, he's... very caring." Taehyun says.
Of course he is, Beomgyu's his boyfriend. But he can't just pull off the bandage and give Soobin's mom a sudden heart attack.

"He's the university's fuck boy, right?" She asks but when Taehyun's about to defend him, Soobin steps in first.
"He actually doesn't fuck around anymore." Soobin says and his mom shoots them both a shocked, but pleased look.

"Really? That's great then. Taehyunnie wouldn't be living through hell. What changed though?" She asks.
"Something, of course. Or maybe... someone." Soobin smirks and Taehyun silently furrows his eyebrows, stomping his foot onto Soobin's under the table, earning a yelp from the older.

Soobin's mom giggles, watching her two favourite boys being playful with one another but she then snaps out from her trance when her phone suddenly vibrates on the table.
She glances at the two boys and her husband before standing up from her chair and grabbing her phone.
"I'll be right back." She says.

While the two boys continued their conversation with Soobin's dad, his mom picks the call up and listens attentively, her eyes growing wider by the second.

"Huhh?? Newspaper??" She says a bit too loud, causing the ones at the dining table to pan to her direction.
Taehyun blinks his eyes in confusion, an unexplainable feeling building up in his stomach. He gets more worried and suspicious when suddenly Soobin's mom turns to stare at Taehyun with a confused look plastered on her face.

When she ends the call though, she instantly grabs her stuff from the dinner table.
"I'll be at the office overnight." She says and Soobin tilts his head with a perplexed expression.
"Is something wrong? Did something happen?" Soobin asks.

Soobin's mom glances at Taehyun who looks up to her with innocent yet concerned eyes.
She sighs and shakes her head.

"Don't worry-" she says.
"It's nothing I can't handle. Hopefully."

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