twenty-eight: W-WHAT?

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Taehyun feels guilty.

He knows he should've told Beomgyu that he's leaving the dorm for a bit but the older was still asleep peacefully and knowing he's been suffering from insomnia for years and that now he's only getting a good sleep, waking up just fuels to the fire of guilt in Taehyun.

Taehyun now finds himself going up the elevator with Mrs Choi's secretary. In all honesty, he really didn't want to meet up with her, it was clear that they both don't get along.

But Taehyun, being the curious kitty he is and with the constant uneasy feeling he been having especially after their morning call, Taehyun doesn't think delaying their meet up would be a good idea.
The last thing he asks is to cross the rival of Byeol Foundation's chairman.

The secretary knocks on the office door and once they hear a faint 'come in', the secretary pushes the door and gestures Taehyun to go in and the blonde boy does so.

Taehyun approaches the table where Mrs Choi is seated. He feels a lump in his throat as his eyes meet her's. It isn't her usually intense gaze that Taehyun had gotten used to, instead it's a piercing gaze that kinda hit his soul.

And internally, he's scared.
"You asked to meet me?" Taehyun asks.

Without bothering to answer, Mrs Choi tosses what seems to be a newspaper on her table with an angered expression plastered on her face.
Taehyun glances up at the lady before taking the newspaper into his graphs, not noticing how his hands had become shaky.

Taehyun unfolds the newspaper and reads the headlines of it only for his eyes to enlarge in shock as his eyes dart across the page.
'Future heir to Haneul and secret lover.'

The headline text is bolded and there were a few pictures of both him and Beomgyu although Taehyun's face happened to be out of sight but even from just the pictures, anyone could tell it's a male.
'Choi Beomgyu, who has secretly been sleeping around.'

'Choi Beomgyu is dating a commoner??'
'Tainting the image of Haneul Foundation, what does the chairman have to say?'

'Has been dating a boy from college for two months or more?'
'Doesn't deserve to be the future heir.'

"What the hell..." Taehyun mumbles.
He feels his heart sink at the many comments and false accusations attacking Beomgyu. More importantly...

'Have we been followed the whole time?'
"How long have you been dating my son?" Mrs Choi blurts out.
Shit, he's in trouble. He's dead for sure.

"Four... five??" Taehyun answers unsure, but he's sure he's dated Beomgyu for quite long.

Mrs Choi clicks her tongue as she looks up at the blonde boy with a disgusted look ok her face. Her eyes trail down the boy from bottom to top, only to specifically have her attention land on Taehyun's doe eyes.
She can't help but be bothered by Taehyun's eyes. It left her a lingering feeling.

"You didn't accept the cash I offered last time. And this is what I get in return?" She asks, cocking her eyebrows, displeased.
And Taehyun furrows his eyebrows at that.

"I don't need your money, you can look down at me all you want. But I won't leave or transfer. Beomgyu's my boyfriend and-"

"Then, you leave me no choice." She cuts the blonde off and slides her phone on the desk towards Taehyun where the screen lights up with what seem to be a video.

Taehyun watches the video which looked like it came from a CCTV. There are black cars parked in front of a lot which he didn't seem to recognise.

When Taehyun shoots Mrs Choi a confused look, all she did was give him a demonic grin, and that's when Taehyun starts to register the surroundings shown on the small screen.

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