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The night was still and eerily silent, with neither the sound of animals nor wind rustling the trees. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft, silver glow over everything in sight. I tore through the woods, frantically glancing behind me. He was back there; I could feel it. I darted between trees, feeling thorns slice my skin.  My chest was burning, and my legs felt like they were going to fall off. My mind was racing, and the only question on my mind was, is he still chasing me? I wanted to continue to look back, but I was scared.

Why was he doing this?

Who was he?

I screamed when I tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground. I didn't have any energy left in me, but I had to keep going. I got to my feet and continued to run as I screamed for help. I felt like my throat was being torn apart as I sobbed and screamed. None of this felt real, but the pain in my chest kept reminding me it was.

"HELP ME, PLEASE! SOMEBODY, PLEASE!" I didn't recognize my voice as my screams rang in my ear.

Suddenly, I was tackled to the ground, and all thoughts left my mind. Oh no, he had caught me. I struggled against the man holding me down the best I could, but I was exhausted. I was about to scream again, but a hand covered my mouth.

"Shhh, they will find you." Lying on top of me was an Asian boy. He had short grey hair, broad shoulders, and a toned chest, from what I could feel. His dark eyes searched mine to confirm I wouldn't scream. I didn't listen; as soon as he removed his hand, I screamed again.

I heard him curse as he stood up. "What is up with women? You tell them not to scream, but they do it anyway."

He rolled his eyes and pulled out an Axe. The blade was emerald green, with a long gold handle that glistened in the moonlight. It wasn't your standard wood-cutting axe. Surprisingly, he was holding it as if it weighed nothing. Who was he, and why was he carrying around an axe? He couldn't be chopping wood this late at night. A large man came running towards him, and he dodged him effortlessly. He was bald and looked like a pro wrestler that overly used steroids. They fought for a second before he knocked the man to the ground. He grabbed him and without hesitating, he stuck the axe in his chest. I screamed watching the blood start to soak his shirt slowly.

He looked over his shoulder at me annoyed. "Can you stop screaming?"

"BEHIND YOU!" I yelled when I saw another man running towards him. To my surprise, he didn't flinch. Before the man could touch him,  his axe was buried in his chest. He yanked it free and slid it back into the large sheath attached to his back.

"You killed them," I whispered.

He walked over to me and lifted me into his arms. "We have to get out of here, if more come, we don't stand a chance."

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started to walk. I wanted to ask him who he was, and thank him for saving me, but I didn't get the chance.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I gasped and held on tight to him. It was Azreal, he was here to kill me. Before I had time to understand what was going on, I was flying through the air, and the guy who saved me was fighting Azreal. I landed a few feet away, as I watched them throw punches and kicks at each other. They were moving so fast; it was hard for me to keep up. What the hell was happening? Was the world turning supernatural or something? I knew I needed to get away, I would only get in the way if I stayed. I stood up and took off running as fast as I could. I had to find somewhere to hide and I knew the perfect place.

I walked into the old, abandoned house I hung out in. I knew this was going to be the best place for now. I took a deep breath and tried to focus, but I couldn't. It seemed like everything was hitting me all at once. My mother was dead, and now the man who saved me was too. Azreal was very strong, but what was he, and where did he come from? Why was he after me? None of this made sense, and trying to think about it frustrated me. I buried my face in my hands and cried because that's all I could do.

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