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Julie was a textbook nerdy girl. Her thick-rimmed glasses perched on her nose couldn't be missed. Her frizzy blonde hair was always kept in a messy ponytail, and she was thin as a toothpick. Her encyclopedic knowledge of all things devil made her stand out to me. Her nose was always buried in a book, eager to learn as much as possible. She proudly embraced her nerdy side, never shying away from her love of all things strange and unnatural. She was sitting at her desk looking over some papers when I walked in. In her laboratory, the scent of chemicals hung heavy in the air. Beakers and test tubes filled with colorful liquids lined the countertops, emitting soft hissing and bubbling sounds.

"Azreal, are you here for your check-up?"

I pulled my coat off and sat on the stool in the center of the room. "I figured I might as well get checked. I was in the area, and I needed answers." I felt like I was her lab rat, which is why I hated coming here. She was always overly excited to stick me with needles and get useless information from me.

She walked over to me and started to examine my arm. "It's spread more these past two years."

There was no point beating around the bush, I hated that shit, and she knew it. "How much time do I have? If you could guess."

She selected a suitable vein in the crook of my arm. Tapped it a few times, then inserted a needle into it slowly. I watched as my blood started to flow steadily into a collection tube. Once the tube was filled, she pulled it away and slowly took the needle out.

"A year. It will continue to spread at double the rate it was before. I can continue to run tests to find a cure. This is the first time I've stumbled into this. I've read so much about illnesses in devils, but I haven't stumbled across this one yet."

All I had left was a year. Hearing that pissed me off, but there was nothing I could do about it unless she found a cure. "Is there anything I can do to slow it down?"

"I haven't found that answer yet. If I do, I'll be sure to let you know. If you can, I would like to see you again soon. I have a few tests I would like to run on you."

I sighed, pulling my coat back on. "I'm never too busy for you." I winked at her and left her office before she could respond. The truth is, I was too busy for her. I was too busy for this shit, but it couldn't be overlooked anymore.

Stepping back out into the busy city annoyed me. The constant noise was a symphony of chaos, a never-ending headache of horns, sirens, and voices. The people were a blur of faces, each lost in their own world, oblivious to what was happening around them. Some rushed to get where they were going, some looked down at their cellphones, and others yelled for taxes.

"Peasants," I mumble, tipping my head back as I walk down the street.

I loved my mansion built in the middle of nowhere in Oregon. Being here reminded me of that. It was quiet, secluded, and made just for me. I closed my eyes, thinking back to what Julie said. I had a year left, but that was nothing. I could snap my fingers, and a year would go by. I needed to find Alix now. Nothing was going to save me from this illness except what she had.

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