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"This group has been around since the 1800's. It's called the Brotherhood because it consists of nothing but men. Our group has over one hundred thousand members. We live in every state, city, and country. Each country has a leader, and those leaders meet with each other often to discuss Devil matters. Then there is us, the members. We're placed in a group of five or ten, and we live together. To make it simple, we are grouped into teams. Each team is put together based on each man's personality, fighting style, strengths, and weaknesses. Yes, we can be seen by regular people, but we can see Devils. We can see past their human face; we can see their teeth. That's a big one, and they also have red veins. So, if you're ever in doubt, look for those two things."

"Wait, you're saying this as if you want me to join the group."

He frowned, "I thought that was obvious. You're here, aren't you?" If I didn't want you here, I would have left you at the hospital. You have potential, and not only that, you have something that will keep Azreal out of hiding."

I was starting to get pissed off. I never met the guy a day in my life. What could I possibly have that made him target me? I threw my hands in the air, "I don't have anything. I've never seen him before, and I don't have anything he would want."

"What did he say to you?"

I shook my head and sighed, "he said I was going to destroy him, but I don't know how that's possible."

"There's an old story that's been around for one hundred years. Something is out there, and it will kill him or make him stronger. You might get a different story depending on who you're talking to."

"Like what?" 

"Some say it's a curse that will be broken or he will succumb to."

"You think I'm the curse?"

"I don't know what to believe, but I know you have something he wants."

He had to be kidding. I was a girl from a small town, and I had never had a fight in my life. "Look, I know you want hope, but that hope isn't me. He has me confused with someone else. He had my mother confused with someone else."

He folded his arms across his chest. "I wanted to believe that, but he doesn't make mistakes. Azreal has been in hiding, and nothing would make him come out. If he came out to find you, he knew you were a threat to him. He wouldn't risk it if he wasn't sure."

I wanted to believe him, but it was hard. "Jin, even if that's true, I'm no match for him."

"That's why you're here. I'll train you myself, and if you can get stronger, great. If you die in the process, hopefully, there's another person who can help us. I will not lie to you by telling you everything will be okay. It won't. From this day forward, your life is going to change. You can stand up and fight or spend your life hiding. One thing I know for certain is that Azreal will not stop coming for you until you're dead. When he has his eyes on someone or something, he gets it. If you think he isn't tracking you right now, you're wrong. I've seen him do it repeatedly. Whether it's him or one of his minions, if he wants you dead, you're dead. Your mother was lucky to be killed as quickly as she was. Usually, he tortures you, and I'd rather not talk about how he does that."

"If he is as strong as you say he is, what's keeping him away now? What's stopping him from coming to finish me off?"

"This organization. Azreal knows we can kill him."

If they could kill him, why did they need me? None of it was making sense. "If you can kill him, why didn't you?"

"Are you deaf? I told you; he hasn't come out of hiding until now. I would love to kill him, but I haven't been lucky enough to find him."

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