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I couldn't stop thinking about bumping into the little devil hunter at my restaurant. As I stood in the dimly lit hallway, a thrill washed over me. The air was thick with tension, signaling the presence of fear. But it wasn't just any fear—it was her fear. The unmistakable scent wrapped around me like a suffocating blanket, sending shivers down my spine. I could hear her heart pounding hard against her chest, its rapid thudding echoing in the silence between us. I was wondering what she was doing there, but when I saw her go back to the table with Vincent, it made sense. I didn't understand why she was here with him. Why would he bring her here, and what was he after? I told him to meet me at my club because I wanted to see what he had up his sleeve. I looked up and sighed bringing my glass of vodka to my lips, downing it in one go. The fiery liquid burned my throat like a raging inferno, leaving a trail of searing heat in its wake. Each swallow felt like swallowing a blazing flame, scorching its way down to my stomach with an intensity that left me breathless.

"Fuck," I whispered.

I looked up at the two women on the couch kissing and touching each other. Nothing excited me anymore, but the thought of her did. I closed my eyes and leaned back thinking about her in that skin tight dress. I could see every curve of her body, and something deep inside me stirred. I wanted to kill her, maybe the thrill of that is what caused me to focus on her. Once she had given me what I wanted, I could go back to the way I was before. No, that wasn't it. Watching her chest rise and fall made me want to pin her against the wall and fuck her. I wanted to punish her for making me like this. I needed to bruise her pretty little thighs, and mark her until she understood that she was at my mercy. She was breathing because of me, and she would show me how grateful she was.

"This looks fun."

I looked up when I heard Vincent. He walked into the room, and smiled. The girls giggled and motioned for him to come over. He winked at them before turning to face me. "Did you want to talk to me."

"Get out," I said to the two girls. They didn't hesitate to rush out the room. They knew I would kill them if they did.

"I was enjoying the show," Vincent pouted.

"You've been hanging around that Monroe girl, why?"

He placed his hand on his chin, "which one? I need you to be more specific."

"Don't be stupid, I don't have time for it. Why are you hanging around the little devil hunter?"

He sighed, "can't you take a joke?"

I growled, "no." He was treading on thin fucking ice.

"Calm down, brother. I was hanging out with her to keep an eye on her. I wanted to get some information from her. If she feels like she can talk to me, she will tell me more about her mother."

I wanted to believe him, but Vincent could be like a snake in the grass. He would make it seem like he was harmless as long as you stayed away, but I knew he would strike the minute I turned my back. "Did you find anything?"

"No, she's being closed up. I'll keep trying, I think I have her in the palm of my hand."

"What makes you think that?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"She's starting to get closer to me. The wall she built is now coming down, I see it. Trust me, I'll get you all the information you need. If it wasn't for me, you would have never found her to begin with."

He was right as much as I hated to admit it. If it wasn't for him, I would have never found Ramira. I'll never forget the day he returned after being gone for years.

DEVIL HUNTER Where stories live. Discover now