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My fist collided with the door, and I instantly regretted it. I rubbed my hand, tapping my foot impatiently. What the hell was keeping Zayne? We had to go before it got dark. His bedroom door swung open, and he stood there looking annoyed. A golden towel was casually wrapped around his waist, accentuating the well-defined muscles of his sculpted torso. Droplets of water trickled down his abs, creating a mesmerizing pattern that caught my eye. The snug yet loose towel revealed a glimpse of his muscular legs, showing me his power and athleticism.

"What do you want, Alix."

"What the hell is taking you so long? We have to go before it gets dark. If you're going to take your sweet time, I'll leave without you."

He raised an eyebrow, "I don't like to be rushed. I told you I'd be ready in thirty minutes. It's been fifteen, and you're pounding on my door like an idiot. Why do you care if we leave late?" He smirked, "Oh, I're scared of the dark."

I rolled my eyes. " That's not true. Hurry up, and when you're ready, I'll be waiting for you outside."

He closed the door in my face without responding, and that pissed me off. Zayne did whatever the hell he wanted. He acted like he was God's greatest gift to earth and constantly reminded us we were on his time. I walked down the stairs, quickly shielding my eyes from the blinding glare of the setting sun that seeped through the large windows.


I turned around and smiled at Emric. "Hey, I thought you were in Vegas."

"No, I broke my Ram blade. I'm waiting for it to be repaired. Do you want to play cards?"

We played cards together when we had free time. I would win, and he would get angry. He would demand another round, and I would beat him again. He wouldn't talk to me for two days, but then he would apologize. I wasn't upset with him when he did it. He's the most competitive in the group.

"I have to go to San Diego tonight. There have been devil attacks there. I'm waiting on Zayne."

He chuckled, "You'll have better luck going by yourself. Good luck, though; you owe me a match when you return."

"Deal." I continued down the stairs until I made it to the front door.

Zayne said he would be fifteen minutes, but I knew I would be waiting another forty-five. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I have grown a lot over these five years. The longer I looked, the more I could see my mother in me, and I hated it. Sometimes, I felt like she was haunting me through my reflection. I forced myself to look away and stared at my black, high-heeled boots. I decided to stay after having that conversation with Jin. I knew I didn't stand a chance living alone. Azreal would kill me if I didn't get stronger. So, I've spent the last five years training, fighting each member, and staying in shape.

Despite the way I felt about my mother lying to me, I knew I still had to avenge her death. I was sad for a while, but the brotherhood did everything they could to make me feel more at home. I felt safe here; it felt like home. I could be myself and dress like a girl. I laughed a little, thinking about how I felt when I saw myself in a dress for the first time. It was my nineteenth birthday, and they had thrown me a party. I couldn't believe I could be so beautiful, and neither did the men here. Now, all I wore was pretty dresses, skirts, and high heel boots. Jin didn't understand how I could fight in it, but I learned. If I was going to be fighting, I would do it in style.

"Are you waiting on Zayne?"

I looked up and laughed. Jin was walking towards the living room with a Cheeto in his mouth. He was carrying a plate with a large sandwich on it, wearing Batman pajama pants. He was hard on me my first year here, but now he was relaxed. I got to see a side of him he tried to hide. When he wasn't bossing us around, which was his job, he was snacking, watching movies I recommended, and tracking devil attacks. 

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