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I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, deep in thought. It has been five years since I killed Ramira and her daughter. I thought that would solve my problem, but it didn't. I was trying to think where I went wrong, but loud slurping and gagging from the redhead sucking my cock made it hard to focus. Not in a good way either, she was fucking annoying. I stared down at her as she swirled her tongue around the tip before sucking me back into her mouth. I rolled my eyes, pushing her aside. I brought her here to help me relax, but she was getting on my fucking nerves. I couldn't remember her name, but it wasn't worth remembering anyway.

"Get out."

She wiped away the saliva dripping down her chin. "I haven't finished pleasing you."

"You're not worth my time. The effort you put in is a fucking pity. You have no skill, not even in the bedroom. Now get the fuck out before I kill you."

Her eyes widened, and she scrambled to her feet. She took one last look at me and hurried out of my bedroom. I closed my eyes, leaning back against the pillows. I didn't want to waste my time going to see Ramira if it would be for nothing. If I made a move like that, it would alert those Brotherhood members. I hadn't shown my face in years, and their goal was to find me. They were pitiful. A whole damn organization of men just to kill me, and they still failed. I glanced down at the black veins that crawled up my arm. It was like a poison, like an invisible specter, creeping insidiously through my body, polluting the very essence of my being until it drove me insane. It was feasting on me from the inside, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Every year, it continues to spread. I don't know what it is, but I know it drove my father crazy. Ramira was the cause of this shit, and I knew if I killed her, it would end. But it didn't; it's only spread more over the past five years. What the fuck did that bitch steal from us? How the hell could I find it now that she was dead? I climbed out of bed, cursing loudly.

"Azreal, what troubles you?"

"Valarie, don't ask stupid questions." She knew why I was upset. She was a woman of many talents. She let me use her for whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. She obeyed me without hesitation, and I loved it. But she also knew how to piss me off. I didn't want to be asked stupid questions when I was aggravated.

She smirked, walking closer to me. Valarie was fucking gorgeous. Her ruby-red hair was thick and curly. She had curves in all the right places, and her dark eyes always watched me. I smirked, thinking about how nice it would be to have her on her knees right now. My fist in her hair, forcing her to take every inch of me down her throat. That would be her punishment for taunting me.

"You're upset about the illness spreading." She placed her hand on her hip. "I thought you said killing Ramira would solve that little problem."

"There's nothing little about this problem. I don't know why it's still spreading, but it's obvious that killing her did nothing. There has to be more to it, and I'm overlooking it." I ran my fingers through my hair slowly. "I fucked up when I killed her daughter. If Ramira wouldn't tell me where it is, I'm sure her daughter would have."

"Her daughter isn't dead."

Before I could stop myself, I had her pinned against the wall. My hand was around her throat as she gasped for air. "What the hell did you say."

She clawed at my hand, "I knew."

I would have gone after her if I had known she was still alive. "How long have you known," I growled, tightening my grip.

"A while."

My grip tightened again, "how fucking long." I was losing my patience with her. I didn't give a damn how pretty she was; I would kill her without second-guessing it.

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