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Freddy's P.O.V


I woke up and saw Bonnie, holding her chest piece before blacking out. I held her up. What's wrong with my Bunny? I took her too the others. "What's wrong lad? Ye seem a tad distressed!" I told Foxy about Bonnie. "Lad, I tink dat Bonnie 'ere is pregers..." I froze. How could he? Why would he? HOW AMD WHY DOES HE KNOW?! I mean, none of us have any real human medical skills. We can patch up a cut or put ice on a bruise, but how in fucks name did he manage to know that?! "What are you talking about?! We're robots! We can't get impregnated!" "Well lad, Ye see... I managed ta get Crystal pregers and I'm guess'n two rob'ts can get pregers as well..." He what?! That is so it! I was about to scream my head off at him, but Chica beat me too it. "You fucked a human?! HOW DARE YOU!!!" Chica screamed. She grabbed Crystals arm and started to drag her away. "FOXY-KUN, HELP MEH!!!" I have no idea what that meant but Foxy seemed to understand it. He chased after Chica and WW3 began. Jesus... 

I walked down to Goldie's room. I know that he'll know what to do! I walked in and told Goldie about what had happened. "Well, well, well! My little bro get'n down and dirty!" I told him to tell me already. I was getting possessed. Bonnie uncontinuously touched my face. I calmed down. "Look bro, what's going on is, Bonnie's no longer a virgin. The same thing happened with Chica. She has a 1 in 4 chance of getting pregers." Shit. This is bad. "Goldie," I started, "how long will she be like this?" He said for about 2 more hours. I sighed. I tucked Bonnie in and kissed her head. I slipped in next to her and fell asleep. Goodnight my sweet Bunny!.. Zzz... Zzz!!. Zzz...


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I'm getting more and more tired since my school work has been increasing. Jeez, school work sucks... Anyways! Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope u have enjoyed the whole story! Bye bye my NyanKitties! Peace out! (I is call'n y'all NyanKitties now!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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