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First-person P.O.V.

Days had passed since I last visited the Daigo estate and I had decided that this cool evening would be the time to return the washed silk kimono I had borrowed. I was seated in the carriage by myself, enjoying the gentle sway as the horses trotted along the winding path leading to the Daigo estate along with the sweet and sometimes sour flavor from the citrus fruit. The rhythmic sound of their hooves on the earth beneath seemed to lull me into a state of calamity as I tucked the peels into the fabric around my waist as there was no bin near me.

The carriage stopped, and I stepped out onto the gravel walk, the sound of the gentle crunch of stones underfoot resonating in the silence. I strolled over to the main house, soaking in the vivid flashes of color from the well-manicured flower gardens that bordered the paths. The faint smell of incense wafting from the local temple blended with the scent of blossoming cherry trees.

With the silk kimono neatly folded in my arms, I made my way to one of the nearest maids who was standing near a closed door.

"Sumimasen," I quietly started before handing the maid the folded article of clothing. "I borrowed this the other day, it's been washed too-"

"Oh, the silk kimono Young Master was talking about!"

The maid, who was wearing a traditional kimono herself, accepted the folded garment from my extended hands with a bow. "Arigatou gozaimasu," she said in a whisper as light as a silk rustling.

I returned her bow with a smile, and with a nod of acknowledgment, the maid turned and disappeared through the door, the soft swish of her garments fading into the hushed atmosphere of the estate. Left to my own devices once more, I took a moment to pause and soak in the tranquility of my surroundings. Time to see if I can find Tahomaru.

Walking around the estate I called out, "Tahomaru!" I paced around and called a few times before I spotted familiar figures in the dark outlined by a golden flame.

"Tahomaru," I started loudly once I spotted the extremely familiar figure, about to call for him again, I moved to the shade of a neighboring pillar and hid behind it. Perhaps Tahomaru hadn't heard my earlier calls because they were muffled by the sound of cicadas and rustling foliage.

"I've drugged him," I heard a quiet voice, curious, I cautiously peeked from behind the pillar, only to hastily retreat as I felt someone's gaze sweep in my direction. Was it Mutsu?

"He'll answer anything you asked him." A feminine voice rang before being replied with a rather serious tone. "My father has given you special orders hasn't he?" At those words, I was intrigued and leaned closer toward the pillar, tucking my thick sleeves between the vibrant fabric around my waist, unaware of a vibrant orange dropping to the ground.

"What were those orders?" There was a brief pause. "To find a baby that disappeared sixteen years ago and the midwife." An unfamiliar deep voice revealed, who was that? What missing child? What midwife?

"Why is my father looking for a baby?" Tahomaru's voice, now confirmed, sliced through the air like a blade. "Because," The unfamiliar man began, his voice trailing off before he quieted down, as if reluctant to speak further. "Answer me!"

At the shout from Tahomaru, I shuddered, perhaps I should leave, I wasn't meant to be here in the first place. I spared a glance in the darkness before slowly making my way out from behind the pillar back to the guest house.

"He tried to bite his tongue off." With a wave of sickness rising inside me, I gagged and moved my hand automatically to cover my mouth, as if trying to contain the horror that was about to spill.

"Will he die?" My eyes widened with fear and I staggered further away from the pillar, my eyes widening in horror at the sight before me. Even in the darkness, I could see blood spluttering from the man's mouth, painting the air with crimson droplets. Some of it coated the distant pillar I had hidden behind moments ago, while other droplets plastered themselves onto my clean kimono, staining the pristine fabric and dripping slowly like the pitter-patter of rain.

"No, the cut is not that deep. The drug must've weakened him." 

With trembling hands, I turned and fled, my footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. I ran until I reached the safety of the main estate, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I stumbled from behind a shack.

Ignoring the lingering stares of the maids, I hurried past them, the faint metallic scent of blood clinging to me. A few drops of crimson slipped down my kimono, leaving a trail of evidence in my wake as I ran home from the Daigo estate. It was a long way and the sky seemed to be turning a deathly shade of red, reminding me of the scene I had just witnessed.

As I finally came to a stop, my chest heaving with exertion and my legs pulsating with pain, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that clung to me like a second skin. The events of that fateful night had left an indelible mark on my soul, I wish I had never gone to the Daigo estate to visit Tahomaru.

The sun had already set and only now did I realize something, I was lost. I could barely see the village or the Daigo estate. Panic began to claw at the edges of my mind as I strained to see through the dimness, but all I could discern were vague outlines of trees and shadows looming in the night.

I looked around once more, I should've waited for the carriage to pick me up. With a shaky breath, I took a hesitant step forward, my heart pounding in my ears. The ground felt uneven beneath my feet, and I stumbled, nearly losing my balance in the darkness. Fear gnawed at me, threatening to overwhelm my senses.

As I boldly took another step forward, my legs suddenly felt heavy, as if weighed down by the oppressive darkness surrounding me. My vision blurred, and a wave of dizziness washed over me, threatening to pull me into the abyss.

My strength failed me at that moment, and I fell forward, stumbling, unable to stay on my feet. The ground crashed down upon me, and all was dark. I lay on the ground too tired before allowing the darkness to engulf me.

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