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First-person P.O.V.

"Mutsu!" I yelled, running as fast as I could in the floral kimono. It had been a while since we last saw each other, maybe we could catch up! It's not as easy to find her as it is to spot her brother Hyogo.

"Y/N-sama," I heard a soft feminine reply followed by a subtle smile.

"Behave Y/N." My father patted my shoulder, guiding me to one of the rooms in the Daigo estate, I frantically waved goodbye to Mutsu as I tried to gather my footing. The soft tatami mats felt cool against my hurried steps as I followed my father, the scent of incense hanging thick in the air.

Once inside the room, I found myself surrounded by the opulence of our family's estate. My father motioned for me to sit at the low table next to my mother, his expression stern yet with a hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes.

Now we only had to wait for the head of the estate to arrive. Not long after we arrived, there was a faint knock followed by the entrance of the heir of the Daigo clan.

"Tahomaru?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side in confusion. Weren't we supposed to meet with his father?

"Akagi-sama," A teenage boy bowed, earning chuckles from both my parents.

"It's nice to see you Tahomaru! It's been a while since I saw you look how grown up you are now!" My father's loud laugh echoed throughout the room as my mother sighed.

"You saw him last week, Arata." I giggled, waving to Tahomaru who sat close to the door.

"Oh, did I? Oh right! I did!"

Tahomaru's cheeks flushed slightly as he exchanged pleasantries with my parents. Despite being the heir to the Daigo clan, he always seemed somewhat reserved in the presence of adults, a stark contrast to his confident demeanor among his peers.

As the conversation shifted to more formal matters, Tahomaru and I excused ourselves from the tight space and made our way outside. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves of the cherry blossom trees, their delicate petals dancing in the air.

"It's rather hot out today," Tahomaru remarked, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "I could use something cold to drink."

I nodded in agreement, feeling the same craving for refreshment. "Too bad we'll have to wait a couple more hours until we can ask the maids for a sweet treat, overheard that your maids when to town."

Tahomaru chuckled, his laughter echoing in the quiet courtyard. "Perhaps we can find a way to cool down on our own."

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Tahomaru darted towards the shaded alcove at the edge of the garden, where a small pond glistened invitingly. I followed closely behind, curiosity piqued by his sudden enthusiasm.

As we reached the edge of the pond, Tahomaru knelt and scooped up a handful of water, splashing it playfully onto his face.

"Care to join me?" he grinned, extending his hand towards me.

I hesitated for a moment, should I? I just got my hair done and I'm wearing this thick kimono. I wouldn't want to return home nor would I want to return to the carriage soaking wet. I parted my lips about to decline when my head was forced into the water followed by a series of chuckles.

I gasped as the hands pried themselves away from my head and onto my waist, effectively pulling my top half out of the pond, water dripped down my face and the top half of my kimono was soaked. I turned around to face the culprit only to face a smiling face.

"Hyogo!" I sputtered, both indignant and amused at his audacity. Right behind him was a giggling Mutsu.

"Okay! Who's idea was it?" They both pointed fingers at each other.

Hyogo laughed, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Forgive me, Y/N-sama, but I couldn't resist." I couldn't help but laugh in return, despite my initial shock. Of course, I could never get mad at Mutsu or Hyogo, it was a harmless act anyway.

"Well, now that you've thoroughly soaked me," I said, attempting to wring out the excess water from my kimono, "There's quite literally no way I'm returning home in this," I stood up feeling the kimono stick to my skin, it felt disgusting, and the fabric was not helping.

Tahomaru, who had been observing our antics from a distance, approached with a mischievous grin. "I have an idea," he said, offering me his hand.

I took his hand, allowing him to lead me away from the pond and towards the storage rooms of the estate.

"What are we doing?" With a shiver running down my spine from the dampness of my garments, I inquired as I made my way down the curving floors. I went to walk behind Tahomaru out of instinct as gusts of wind blew down the route.

Tahomaru's smile got bigger. "We're going to find you something else to wear, something dry preferably," He grinned, "Mother must have something lying around that she no longer uses."

Tahomaru scrounged among the shelves in the poorly lighted storage area until he discovered what he was looking for.

He handed me the kimono and said, "This is it."

"This should fit."

I cradled the silk kimono, it was stunning! What amazing craftsmanship! Hues of red danced over the black canvas, small intricate designs laced the sleeves. For a silk kimono, it was surprisingly long.

"Thank you, Tahomaru," I said, before directing myself in a direction I was well familiar with, right by the door stood Mutsu.

"Just hand me the kimono once you're done changing, I'll have it washed and returned to you soon," She grinned before gently ushering me into the bathroom.

I slipped on the gorgeous slip of fabric and fastened the wrap of additional material around my waist. I looked in the mirror, hair still wet and in a mess.

With a final adjustment to my hair, I stepped out of the bathroom tugging a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

Mutsu greeted me with a smile as I handed her the damp kimono. "Thank you, Mutsu. I truly appreciate it."

She waved off my gratitude with a dismissive gesture. "It's no trouble at all, Y/N-sama. Now, let's get you back out there before they start wondering what mischief you've gotten into this time."

The sun was still high in the sky when we walked back to the courtyard together. I felt a feeling of satisfaction settle over me as I reunited with Tahomaru and the Hyogo, knowing that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, I had friends by my side who would always support me. Our friendship could never be severed by anyone. Mustu, Hyogo, Tahomaru, and I were inseparable.

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