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First-person P.O.V.

"And that's how I met Aniki!" Dororo skipped, swinging my hand back and forth.

"So, let me get this straight," I interjected, pausing to gather my thoughts. "A demon and your elder sibling were the culprits behind the bridge collapsing that day?" Dororo simply hummed in agreement, tugging me along.

We had been walking for a few hours now and the winding pathways had struck a familiar feeling of warmth in my chest.

"I think I may know the way to this so-called rich village you were talking about, Dororo," I exclaimed, matching her infectious enthusiasm as I swung her arm higher.

"Just follow me."

After a few turns, the sandy path ended at the entrance of a very familiar village.

"We're almost there," I whispered glimpsing at the ground ever so often. By now, the blood stains had dried off and were the color of blush. I turned my body to face behind me, calling out to a now well-acquainted being.

"Hyakkimaru," He walked faster toward Dororo and me. "Yes?"

"We've almost arrived." He nodded in acknowledgment, and I unexpectedly clasped his hand as my other hand was pulled in a certain direction.

"They have manju! Nee-chan! Come on! We have to get Manju!" He nodded eagerly, and I chuckled, urging Dororo to slow down.

"Slow down, Dororo!" As we followed Dororo deeper into the heart of the village, I could tell we were almost home. I hoped mother and father were alright.

Dororo and Hyakkimaru were trying out all kinds of snacks, they bought plenty of Manju and snacked on it as we were walking, Dororo no longer by my side but rather by Hyakkimaru's as I indulged in the comfort of my favorite fruit I had plucked off a tree. A crime indeed, but a crime is really only a crime if you get caught. Who's to snitch on me anyway? I had forced my love for oranges onto Hyakkimaru and Dororo as they began to savor the sourness of the orange delight of which I had told them to save the peels if they ever wanted to use it as an air freshener.

"Nee-chan," I hummed, staring at the cloudless sky, with my head in the clouds and orange peel in my hand. "Is that you?" I halted, following Dororo's pointed finger, while Hyakkimaru observed with curiosity.

Approaching the coffee-brown, black-and-white poster, I squinted my eyes. Indeed, it was a portrait of me from a few years ago, though my appearance hadn't changed much, save for my longer hair and added height.

"It is," I murmured, accidentally dropping a few orange seeds as I, leaned back from the poster and read the fine print underneath in bold.

"Y/N-sama, the Akagi Clan's successor, has disappeared without a trace. We kindly request that you notify the Akagi or Daigo Estate right away if she is found. "

Had I really been gone for that long?

"Did you run away from home, nee-chan? I thought you said you didn't?" As I knelt among the folds of a kimono, its once brilliant fabric now a nest among mounds of sand, Dororo's voice sliced through the air.

"No, remember I was telling you I was running and got lost?" Hyakkimaru walked closer to Dororo and me, pulling me up from the ground hastily before pointing between the poster and me.

"You," Dororo stared with wide eyes.

"Need," Hyakkimaru's voice was firm.

"To go," Dororo's expression shifted from surprise to a wide grin.

"Home." I sighed, that was what I had been trying to do this entire time.

"Yes, nee-chan! Maybe your parents miss you!" Dororo exclaimed, her excitement infectious. "Of course, Dororo. Let's get going, My parents might be eager to meet my two heroes," As I brushed off the sand and rocks of the thick fabric, I heard Dororo gasp before craning her neck to stare at Hyakkimaru.

"Perhaps we'll receive a handsome reward for saving nee-chan!" Dororo exclaimed gleefully, causing me to giggle as my hand was finally free from dusting off the kimono.

"Sure," I dragged off. "Look at all this, nee-chan!"Pulling at my sleeve, Dororo cried out as she rushed from market to stall, intrigued by the variety of goods on display.

Hyakkimaru trailed closely after, the vibrant demeanor of the bazaar softening his bland disposition. Despite his reserved nature, he couldn't help but be drawn in by the sights and sounds of the bustling crowd as he was still new to the sense of hearing.

In the distance, I could see an outline of large metal gates and a smile etched its way onto my face. "Almost there," Dororo nodded tiredly, dragging her feet as she walked sluggishly, her energy drained from running around the stalls.

I gave Dororo a quick pat on the shoulder and held out both of my arms as I sensed she was tired. She jumped into my embrace and accepted the offer with great enthusiasm and appreciation shining in her eyes. I lifted her onto my hip with ease, feeling the warmth of her weight on my side.

Walking with Dororo nestled comfortably in my arms, Hyakkimaru trailed beside me on my left whilst munching on some Manju.

After climbing a few flights of stairs, I heard soft snores and warm breath diffusing through the kimono, we reached the imposing looming gates of the Akagi estate.

"We're here," I said, shaking Dororo lightly before helping her stand on the gravel path as her eyes adjusted to the new surroundings.

"Woah!" Her eyes darted from left to right. "This place is huge!" I gave a nod of approval before opening the imposing gates, which allowed me to observe the staff and maids hurriedly going about the estate performing their tasks. A few faces turned to question who had opened the gate, eyes widening in recognition of the familiar figure.


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